HOW CAN INTELLECTUALS CLAIM HH AS BEING TRIBAL? By Trevor Simumba It is quite interesting and very disturbing to hear people who claim to be intellectuals continue to deliberately claim HH as being tribal. When pressed further they admit not really knowing him but generalise and say Tongas are this and that! Lets look at facts: 1. It was a Tonga late Mainza Chona who handed over the UNIP Presidency to KK without any conditions 2. It was again a Tonga the Great Lion Nkumbula who signed the Choma declaration to ensure peace between the ANC and UNIP 3. In 1991 and 1996 the people of Southern Province gave MMD almost 100% votes with Chiluba a Luapula native as President while Eastern province remained a UNIP stronghold 4. In the first MMD cabinet you had great leaders from southern province who were very close to FTJ, the late Bennie Mwiinga, VJ Mwaanga, Vincent Malambo, late Chuulu Kalima, the late great Baldwin Nkumbula, Ackson Sejani, Madyenkuku, Syamujaye and many other Tongas who served their country as patriotic citizens. So why the discrimination against Tongas? We need to assess these candidates objectively. I know HH personally but even I did not know him personally I would still consider him highly qualified to become President of Zambia. he is a proven true Zambian Tonga bull and he should not even have to defend himself. My best advice to him is to forge ahead and ignore all the nonsense about his tribe. This is the first time I am endorsing him and I am very confident he is the best candidate we have for 2015. He has matured well and he has finally found his political feet. Zambia belongs to all Zambians and no Zambian should ever feel less than the other. Chalo chesu bonse and we will continue to speak for the voiceless and will exercise our right to associate with whomever we choose. HH for 2015, Janza Kumbele!!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 21:16:06 +0000

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