HOW CAN ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL LEADERS EVER, who talked FACE TO FACE with GOD, and had the LAW BEFORE JESUS named after HIM, and who led over a million people out of SLAVERY….be SOOOO MEEK! ………….HE SPENT TIME….WITH GOD…………….when we TRULY see GOD’S GLORY, and our WEAKNESS, yet…………………SERVE, LEAD…………MILLIONS out of slavery to SALVATION…..and know WE had NO ability to do it in ourselves……………….MEEK is easy. People who do GREAT things for the LORD, and forget their own weaknesses, began to think it’s THEM….not GOD….MOSES ALWAYS KNEW, without GOD……..HE was nothing…………….. ………(Numbers 12:3) 3 (Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.) ………….Each GREAT LEADER in the bible has a trait. You could that what made them so USABLE for GOD. David was a man after GOD’S own heart, and you could argue he was the greatest warrior in the bible. Abraham has great FAITH, and is the father of our faith. Saul seemed just as ZEALOUS for GOD as he was when he was against Christianity, and that is rare. So many people, MYSELF included, served ourselves, this world and satan with ALL we had, but are we ZEALOUS for JESUS like that. Paul seemed to be. Daniel was such a GREAT PRAYER WARRIOR, along with prophet. His life was threatened with being thrown to the lions for praying 3 times a day, and he still prayed. Joshua could be considered the greatest GENERAL of the old Testament children of Israel. Enoch WALKED with GOD and was not. Peter was a great LEADER and sometimes didn’t seem to think before speak or reacting, and HE did the same after being filled with the HOLY GHOST. People are saying those in the upper room were drunk, and HE doesn’t hesitate to stand up and EXPLAIN and preach and 3 thousand came to the LORD….ELIJAH is considered a FIREY PERSON for GOD, and John the Baptist had his spirit. We can go on and on. ALL OF US HAVE SOME TRAIT, given by the HOLY GHOST….that becomes part of our personality. People may think its us, but really it the HOLY GHOST in us. We may even have it when young or before maturing, but really it is GOD who made us that way. I was talking to one of my sisters yesterday and she said, “Barry you always been kinda forceful. That’s your personality.” I said, “Not really Christine. I’m not that way with nothing but the Gospel. On almost any other subject and dealing with almost any other thing I don’t think I’m forceful at all. And really it may be part of my personality, but only effective – if effective at all – when I use it for GOD’S kingdom. Otherwise forceful would blow up in my face.” Heehee……..Moses…….Probably is considered one of the greatest leaders ever, bringing some say over a million people out of slavery, and doing such miracles. OF COURSE IT WAS GOD IN HIM, not just HIM. Even PLAGUE miracles that actually hurt the Egyptians. IS THERE A MESSAGE IN THAT CHRISTIANS?.....Hmm….I THINK SO…… ……miracles that HURT the KINGDOM OF GOD, or RIGHTEOUS AND OF GOD……….and Moses talked face to face with GOD. Moses gets to present GOD’S law and people call it Moses Law………..IF THERE IS ANYONE who had a reason to be PROUD…..I would say Moses would be ONE of those people……..YET, the bible says, “ in (Numbers 12: 2-4) …2and they said, Has the LORD indeed spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us as well? And the LORD heard it. 3(Now the man Moses was very humble, more than any man who was on the face of the earth.) 4Suddenly the LORD said to Moses and Aaron and to Miriam, You three come out to the tent of meeting. So the three of them came out.… ……Aaron, Moses spokesman, half brother and right hand man and Miriam his older sister is arguing with Moses about Marrying an Ethiopian woman………and maybe God would have let that slide. But then they said, “Has the LORD only spoken to Moses?” In other words………WE KNOW GOD too…. Yet we know Miriam was in Egypt while the Israelites were enslaved. Moses had to leave on the run after killing a man. Aaron may have been Moses brother in law….or Jethros son….unless his actual mother or father divorced or had a child out of wedlock, which was unlikely in those days……..So he was probably Jethro’s son, the father of Moses wife. …………..MY point is the TWO people who should be BACKING him up, not questioning his authority, who NEITHER did GOD speak to face to face or do we really see GOD speak to at all……and both of them are saying, GOD don’t just talk to Moses. We must be careful when GOD has his man or woman leading, and in ways trying to USURP AUTHORITY…it’s kinda devilish, when really WE SHOULD BACK UP LEADERS…..or simply leave and find people we can follow. And GOD doesn’t waste time settling the argument….he calls all three out, away separate. WHY?.........................first of all MILLIONS OF LIVES are at stake, and GOD’S PROMISE TO Abraham to bring those people out of slavery and give them the promiseland. Thirdly I think…………..BECAUSE MOSES is so MEEK…….he’s not a PROUD person saying, LOOK AT ME……or WORSHIP ME……the bible does say, THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH. Or rather more IMPORTANTLY……..JESUS HIMSELF said it in (St. Matthew 5: 5) 5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth……… …….Again, this is not a message so much about Moses? What would be the point. Moses is dead, and his legacy lives forever and no message can make him greater or lesser. Moses is Moses, whether people obey JESUS or the ten commandments or ignore both….Moses is what he is. ……………THIS message is about ALL OF US CHRISTIANS today……………ARE WE MEEK enough for GOD to always continue using us? I DON’T feel meek means ALWAYS being passive, or NOT knowing the POWER OF GOD in us. Moses did what GOD told him and GOD moved. Moses wasn’t saying, with LACK OF FAITH, I don’t know if these miracles will work or not. I sure hope so. NO….Moses BOLDLY TOLD Pharoah what GOD would do. MOSES also wasn’t silent and just PRAYING….that Pharoah would release the people. MOSES prayed, heard from GOD and BOLDLY went to Pharoah. Moses also wasn’t shy to SPEAK GOD’S WORD to GOD’S PEOPLE the ISRAELITES either……………CAN YOU SEE how ALL the things we consider MEEK….really are just WEAK………………………………………..this is the POINT….Moses was MEEK, because HE never forgot it was GOD doing the stuff, not him. ………….AND HE wanted the best for others rather than his own selfish will………………….And here is the thing……YOU WOULD THINK talking to GOD face to face, doing all those miracles, being the leader with millions coming out of slavery, and even have the LAW BEFORE JESUS, named after you……………WOW….that could make a LOT of people PRIDEFUL, not Moses…………………………HERE is the end of it all. ACTUALLY SPENDING TIME WITH GOD, KNOWING GOD, and knowing OUR WEAKNESSES, yet KNOWING THE STRENGTH OF GOD in us, and HELPING TO LEAD MANY to SALVATION………………..MAKES US MEEK……….especially TRULY KNOWING AND SPENDING TIME WITH GOD………….when you see a person with PRIDE – and many could have a little, it’s not hard as ANYONE succeeds anywhere on earth or in the kingdom. If millions began to really LISTEN to a person……………THEY MUST ACTUALLY GET CLOSER TO GOD….to be even MORE MEEK……. …………..OUT OF ALL THE GREAT THINGS WE KNOW ABOUT MOSES, I kinda think that’s one of the GREATEST COMPLIMENTS, GOD and the bible could have given Moses. MOSES WAS THE MEEKEST MAN ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH IN HIS TIME….and REALLY YOU COULD SAY HE WAS THE GREATEST MAN AND HAD THE MOST REASON to be proud. BUT WHEN WE TRULY know GOD………..IT ACTUALLY makes us MEEKER………….I WANT TO BE MORE MEEK…………AND INHERIT THE EARTH….don’t you?
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 19:37:22 +0000

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