HOW CAN THE RIGHTEOUS SURVIVE IN THESE LAST DAYS? Theres a reason he said my sheep know my voice. Many voices: wolves in sheep clothing devouring the babes in the faith. But trials are for your growth. Anything obstructing you from reading your Bible, prayer and worship on a regular basis has no connection to GOD. When Christ is no longer the central focus in your life, obviously one will neglect their relationship with the Lord and spend less time in prayer, worship and the Word. The presences or hunger for God is replaced by family, friends, job and the desires of the soul, examples. Watching sports, spending time on his children or things placing values on more than personal relationship with Christ There is a loss of intimacy with God. No desire to fast, and pray .the passion goes off. Dead works becomes pursuit in life. Argues about anything that is sin. One becomes more tolerant to sin. What Christ died for is no longer the driven force of your Christian life. Thus winning the lost souls is no longer a burning passion. How can I regain my strength? REVELATIONS 2:5 Therefore, remember where you were before you fell, turn from this sin, and do what you used to do before. Otherwise, I will come to you and remove your menorah from its place - if you dont turn from your sin! Wells of Solace wrote: 1) By continuing to keep the commandments of the Lord single-mindedly. (Josh.1:8 Psalm 1) 2) by continuing in prayer. (Acts 6:4) 3) By standing your ground in holiness even if your best friend begins to compromise the truth he/she once stood for. 4) by continuing to stand on your conviction about self-denial.(Matt. 16:24; Gal. 5:16; 1 Cor. 9:24-27) 5) you must be a person of steadfast conviction. 6) You must have a clear purpose of heart, a deeply rooted and convincing reason why you serve the Lord and why you must continue on the narrow way with Him. 7) Your heart must be fixed, never to depart from the standards of the scriptures you received from the Lord. 8) You must do away with compromise and the moral laxity that characterize Christian worship and service in some assemblies. 9) You must work out your salvation with fear and trembling. 10) You must be committed to studying Gods word and obeying it completely till the end. 11) You must realise that you are not fighting against any human being but against principalities and powers, against wickedness in high places, against the prince and powers of the air. Therefore, you MUST always be fully kitted with the complete ARMOUR OF GOD to withstand the enemy at all times. 12) You must quit fault-finding and ungodly criticism of every message, sermon, exhortation, counselling and correction. Fault-finding will make you a continual loser and defeated person, not a conqueror and overcomer. 13) Learn to trust in the Lord with all your heart. 14) You must stay away from ungodly association. (1 Cor. 15:33; 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Prov. 12:26) 15) NEVER seek counsel from an unbeliever or from the ungodly or from backsliding and worldly Christians. (Psa. 1:1-3) 16) NEVER be influenced by evil. 17) Stay away from murmurs and complainers who are NOT willing to sacrifice what is takes to walk with the Lord and to enjoy His blessings. They just want Gods blessings delivered to them on a platter of gold, yet they refuse to follow Gods conditions for such blessings. 18) Control your tongue. 19) Guard your heart, eyes and ears with all diligence. Avoid seeing, hearing and thinking any form of filthiness and ungodliness (Prov.4:23; Job. 31:1; Psa.119:37) 20) Hate sin and all unrighteousness and be quick to repent from all unintentional and presumptuous sins. DO NOT BE OVERCOME BY EVIL, BUT OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD!!!! (Rom.12:21)
Posted on: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 09:57:15 +0000

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