HOW CAN THICK CORAL REEFS FORM IN A SINGLE FLOOD YEAR? HOW CAN SUCH THICK CORAL STRATA GROW IN 6,000 YEARS? When I ask for evidence of a global flood, Young Earth Creationists tell me, There are sea life fossils everywhere. Yet those sea life fossil remnants LAYERS are far too thick to have been formed in a single flood year. In fact, many of them need far more time to form than the 6,000 years of earth history the YECs claim! Even under the best of conditions, coral builds up----through countless generations of tiny animals which live and die to contribute their tiny bodies to coral formations----at the rate of only one to perhaps 2.5 centimeters depth per year. So even if coral was growing on one spot in shallow seas for the entire YEC history of the earth (6,000 years), that would be AT BEST only: 2.5 cm x 6,000 yrs = 15,000 centimeters depth/thickness of coral strata And 15,000 cm is 492 feet thick for our hypothetical THICKEST CORAL STRATA POSSIBLE! So, wouldnt it be reasonable for YECs to assume that no coral reef deposit buried in the earth should be thicker than 492 feet? WHAT IS THE REALITY? The thickest known coral reefs are the atolls of the Marshall Islands where drilling revealed a thickness of 4,610 feet! Nearly TEN TIMES THICKER! What about this, Young Earth Creationists? Furthermore, remember that that is at a BEST CASE GROWTH situation. Most coral formations grow far slower than that 1 to 2.5cm per year. Far more typical is only 8 millimeters per year! In other words, most coral deposits build at a rate less than a third of that best possible rate! Coral in the Marshall Islands today grow at that 8 millimenters per year rate, so that would mean that 4,610 feet divided by 8mm per year would give us an approximate time period for the layer to build up. And by converting the feet to meters, we get 1405.13 meters thickness of coral. So 1405.13 meters divided by 0.008 m per year = 175,641.25 years! Now, considering that you will find exactly this kind of extrapolation calculation throughout the 100 Evidences for a Young Earth on the various creation science websites, what do they have to say about such thick coral layers being FAR OLDER than their claims for a 6,000 year old earth? Answers please? But it gets worse! Young Earth Creationists say that all such formations of sea life were produced during the SINGLE YEAR of Noahs Flood! So that means our Super-sonic speedy coral must grow at a rate about 176,000 times faster than we see coral living and dying and growing today. Answers, Young Earth Creationists?
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 23:46:28 +0000

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