HOW CAN THINGS EVER GET BETTER? Often times, we travel abroad - TopicsExpress


HOW CAN THINGS EVER GET BETTER? Often times, we travel abroad either for leisure or business and marvel at the way things work out abroad. For most people who have been chanced to visit Europe, America, Australia, Asia and a little more, the story is the same, very organized system. So the question is why do we all make this trips formally and informally yet we are unable to bring back the organized change which we all witnessed and which we all partook of while there. Why are our we of high discipline abroad and low discipline when we come back? What do they do abroad that we dont do here? After a long and careful study, I came up with these factors, a combination of which devastatingly keeps us rooted to our societal malaise. a) Corruption is an acceptable way of life here. In fact, to not be corrupt is a exception to the rule. Corruption is so endemic that as many people who have to deal with society in any formal or informal way exhibits corruption. More worrisome is the fact that it has become comfortable for us to label others as corrupt when we ourselves are heavily involved in our little and big ways but often we dwell in self denial believing that the part we play has no effect on the national spread. What a tough lie. All corruption adds to the national scope. The man who fleeces the unsuspecting public of public funds is not corrupt because he wears an Armani suit and drives a decent car with a government or private job to show for it. So also is the contractor who delivers a shoddy road or house job and rakes undeserved millions and billions from it. He cant be corrupt because he is a contractor who delivered on the job which of course is visible to everyone. The dip in quality does not qualify him as corrupt because it is unseen at that instance. With the connivance of supervising officials, they make do with their loot but they are not corrupt, no no no way. Only the politicians and the police are corrupt. Only the men of the Customs and VIO are corrupt. The architect and internal decor guys who do deals beyond their rightful contracts arent corrupt. The teachers and lecturers who trade marks and sell handouts arent corrupt. The Doctors who loot public hospitals to stock their private clinics arent corrupt, no no no, the are all gentlemen. Only the politicians and police, including the unruly Lastma men are c
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 18:56:05 +0000

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