HOW COULD A NON-DISCLOSED FUTURE PAYMENT SHOCK AFFECT THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? HOW COULD THIS DEVASTATING FINANCIAL BLOW EVER BE FIXED AND WHAT IS THE SOLUTION? Imagine paying on your mortgage loan and all of a sudden, your payment mysteriously spikes up around an ADDITIONAL (and unsustainable) $1500.00 per month. WaMu employees could not seem to answer your question as to why your payment increased OUTSIDE of your contracts terms and conditions. 5 years later, during the discovery phase in litigation of your foreclosure, you find that the mystery increase had basically nothing to do with any increase of interest rate, increase of taxes, or increase of insurance costs, or anything that was CONTRACTUALLY AGREED UPON AT CLOSING. Years later, what you finally discovered by court-ordered process, was that a WaMu employee changed the initially agreed upon and proper annual property tax escrow amount from about $10,000 per year to around $4500 per year, thusly causing the escrow related $1500 increase per month, about a year and a half into your locked-in 30 year mortgage from hell, and that this change was never disclosed prior to closing! Imagine that you later find out that your full-doc loan was manipulated by presumably the same employee to eliminate close to 40% of your debt against your debt to income ratio, along with the undisclosed future property tax bomb payment shock, to force the LPS Desktop Underwriting software to approve a loan that was already turned down by an honest WaMu underwriter. That is called mortgage fraud. Mortgage Fraud is a felony in every State in this country. If you, the consumer, would have lied on your credit application concerning debt to income numbers, you would go to prison. Under Florida Law, fraud and material misrepresentations in the inducement of a loan should make a contract unenforceable. Where does your loss of your initial investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars go, your future bad credit, your future financial costs of that bad credit, and what is looking like a lost decade of your life, due to stress, fear, and hard economic costs resulting from prolonged, unnecessary litigation when a third party bank claims no liability, offers no solution, and yet receives compensation by the government to provide a solution. Additionally, this bank still wants a free house at the expense of defrauded victims of provable crimes? Furthermore, this third party bank is also having difficulty proving they have any investment in this fraudulent loan. This bank cannot answer basic questions regarding the ownership and travels of the fraudulently induced note and mortgage. Yet, this bank has promoted and executed a continuous scorched earth litigation policy of bad faith dealings with the Harrington family, and material misrepresentations and misleading legal arguments before the court. This shocking story only gets worse from here. Sadly, this was only the beginning of the real story. The legal system can intimidate and overwhelm anyone – We have almost 6 years of litigation battles, countless frivolous motions entered against us including threats of sanctions and contempt, baseless accusations, and the list goes on and on, culminating in years of wasted time, money and effort. The Okaloosa County case was already dismissed in 2009 without prejudice. Yet, here we are in 2014 wasting away in the third case. All we are asking for is a fair solution to what amounts to losing everything we worked honestly to build over decades preceding the initial ill-fated conversation with a WaMu loan officer representing, at that time in April 2005, the largest (and most reputable?) bank in the country, Washington Mutual Bank. Who would have known that 7 years later, the extent of the mass criminal behavior by the banking industry, the lack of regulation by our so-called regulators, the lack of abiding by laws set forth to protect the American consumers from predatory lending, and the over all negative related effects to our imploding economy as directly related to potentially millions of fraudulently induced mortgage loans - at the hands of bank employees themselves - would have led us all here today? Please contact me today! Thank you, Rob Harrington (850) 259-6422 floridasuperattorneysearch/home.html
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 15:23:06 +0000

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