HOW DO THE PROS MAKE A DOCUMENTARY COMPELLING? In the process of making a documentary there are many decisions to be made along the way. Fear of making a wrong decision or not having enough resources to complete the project can lead to hesitation, and the stall of progress. At Pro Line Film Academy we know that this can happen to anyone who is embarking into unfamiliar territory. With our Video Editing & Sound Recording Course you Learn all the following when it comes to making advanced documentaries:- - Preparing a brief to obtain financing. - How to pick the right genre to fit your documentary. - Where to find the footage and facts to support your story. - Creating a script to keep everyone focused and on task. - How to create a step outline that becomes your road map to success. - How to find the real story within the documentary and bring it to life. - Putting your interview subjects at ease. - Techniques for getting your subjects to come alive with emotion. - The best camera angles to use for an interview. - Using themes to keep your audiences attention. - How to get people to agree to an interview. - The key to protecting your ownership rights to your content. - Way to find funding and sell your idea to investors. - How to budget your documentary. - Where to find great sources for royalty free background music.... Few other communication forms have the power to reveal a unique perspective, capture imagination and even motivate change. Your idea for a documentary is a story likely to remain just an idea until you begin. Welcome to Pro Line Film Academy; Contact Us: Tel: +256 774 189999. Email: info@prolinefilmacademy Website: prolinefilmacademy
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:04:31 +0000

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