HOW DO YOU EXPERIENCE GOD THROUGH PRIVATE WORSHIP? Many people have that idea about worship. Some people feel that worship is something you do in church and that it can only be done there. Some think that worship is going to a church and sitting quietly while religious exercises are conducted. That concept is about a million miles from the truth! Others see worship as a time of good singing, preaching, testifying and shouting. You hear statements like, Man, we really worshiped last Sunday! Why, our preacher didnt even get to preach! They may have had a great time, but was there genuine worship that took place? Someone else may remark, Our service Sunday was so sublime. The Minsters words were so touching, everyone left the service uplifted and encouraged. Again, they may have been blessed, but was there genuine worship? But through worship in the Bible.....We can find several instances of worship in the Bible that were spiritual in nature. (1) There is the Worship of Repentance - 2 Sam. 12:20. (2) There is the Worship of Submission - Job 1:20. (3) There is the Worship of Devotion - Gen. 22:1-18. (4) Genuine worship must be centered in the Spirit. Jon.4:24. (5) We Must Be Born Again - 1 Tim. 2:5. (6) Our Thoughts Must Be Centered On God - These are real worshiping to God. God bless you all
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 14:09:30 +0000

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