HOW DO YOU KNOW NIGERIAN HISTORY ?,Ok ,GUESS WHO I AM ; I once stole democratically elected Presidents mandate via coup detat thus truncated democratic process. During my reign,i placed constraints on various groups, including Nigerian Medical Association,which was outlawed,and the National Association Of Nigerian Students ,and promulgated two decrees that restricted freedom of the press and suppressed criticism of the government.Decree number 4 forbade any journalist from reporting information considered embarrassing to any government officials . Other devilish military regimes took over from me and ruined Nigeria through legalizing corruption and Stealing galore. I was the minister of petroleum in the 70s, and under my watch, 2.8 billion naira got missing from Midland bank Uk.And once upon a time 53 suite case filled with money was smuggled into Nigeria by my aide, unchecked, isnt that Great ?. I faithfully served my beloved boss who later died in Aso Rock ,I stood by him at all times ,even told the whole world that he didnt steal a kobo. Come to think of it embezzlement, even my humble self till today cant give account of all the Billions in my care as a Chairman of Petroleum Trust Funds, PTF. IBB once said to me Shut Up Or I Expose Your Dirty Deals As A Petroleum Minister And PTF Boss, mmm I dont mind him o. Oh,because of my love for Nigeria, I did cry so much when I was defeated in Presidential election thats why my loyalists were causing unrest in Northern Nigeria as the result of my failure. Finally,with the benefit of hindsight,I think Im the sole reason why Nigerias in a mess today because if I didnt overthrow a democratically elected President,democracy wouldve learnt from experience ,grown and matured by now in Nigeria. Please Folks, Who Am I ?.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 11:57:54 +0000

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