HOW DO YOU RECOGNIZE PEOPLE WITH A POSITIVE ATTITUDE? Just like an absence of ill health does not equal good health, an absence of negativity alone does not make a person positive. People with positive attitudes have certain personality traits that are easy to recognize. They are caring, confident, patient, and humble. They have high expectations of themselves and others. They anticipate positive outcomes. A person with a positive attitude is like a fruit of all seasons. He is always welcome. THE BENEFITS OF A POSITIVE ATTITUDE These are many and easy to see. But what is easy to see is also easy to miss. To mention a few, a positive attitude •increases productivity •fosters teamwork •solves problems •improves quality •makes for congenial atmosphere •breeds loyalty •increases profits •fosters better relationships with employers, employees, and customers •reduces stress •helps a person become a contributing member of society and an asset to their country •makes for a pleasing personality THE CONSEQUENCES OF A NEGATIVE ATTITUDE Our life is an obstacle course and we become our own biggest obstacle by having a negative attitude. People with a negative attitude have a hard time keeping friendships, jobs, marriage and relationships. Their attitude leads to •bitterness •resentment •a purposeless life •ill health •high stress level for themselves and others They create a negative environment at home and work and become a liability to society. They also pass on their negative behavior to others around them and to future generations.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 11:52:00 +0000

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