HOW DOES A KID SURVIVE COLLEGE WITHOUT BEING INDOCTRINATED OR BRAINWASHED BY THE PROGRESSIVE LEFT? Thanks to an awesome college student who follows our 100 Percent FED Up! page, we were able to get a photo of one of the questions on a test he took today. This test is being used to ensure that the students have been successfully brainwashed into believing a false narrative put forth by progressives which claims that the make up of the Republican party consists only of people who are wealthy. This is the progressive academias version of Social Class Warfare 101. This theory of course, is idiotic, narrow minded and unfortunately, is widely utilized by many colleges and universities as perfectly acceptable. This test question (pictured below) is derived from information that was covered in a Sociology class at Allegany College of Maryland. The material this student is being tested on can be found in the Essentials of Sociology textbook by James M. Henslin, 9th edition. Progressives are like a dog on a bone when it comes to political correctness. Of course, political correctness only applies to issues that fit their twisted narrative. Class warfare unfortunately, is fair game for the progressive left when it comes to indoctrination of our children.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 01:15:38 +0000

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