HOW DOES IT FEEL TO PAY TAXES TO A GOVERNMENT THAT BREAKS THE LAWS IT IMPOSES ON YOU. HOW DOES IT FEEL TO FLIP THE BILL FOR FARM SUBSIDIES THAT GROW GMO CROPS THAT POISON YOUR CHILDREN WHILE YOU WORK YOUR SELF SICK AND HAVE TO TURN TO ADDICTIVE PHARMACEUTICALS THAT ONLY EXPAND THE DAMAGE THEY ALREADY DID TO YOUR BODY WITH FLUORIDATED WATER AND MERCURY INFUSED VACCINES... HOW DOES IT FEEL TO PREACH THOUGH SHALL NOT KILL UNDER ONE GOD THEN MURDER CHILDREN WHO LIVE UNDER ANOTHER GOD... HOW DOES IT FEEL TO KNOW YOUR ENTIRE SPECIES IS A GIANT FAILURE WAITING FOR JUDGEMENT FROM THE TRUE COSMIC FORCE YOUR ALL TO SPIRITUALLY BLIND TO BE ACQUAINTED WITH? My forecast for the human race is DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! Every organized religion is a lie you are all puppets of the globalist agenda you are all selling your souls and you are all submitting to the destruction of this species ... Muslim jew or Christian you are all vile criminals holding back the human race .... Poroshenko and Obama and Netanyahu are the smoothest talking nazis to have ever roamed the earth ... Russia aint the threat ... the NWOs gmo genocide and resource wars and spiritual/ psychological degradation of the species is the real threat... western culture is slavery veiled in false freedom ... How many civilian deaths is Mr. Putin responsible for in Ukraine? ZERO HOW MANY have died in Gaza as a result of Netanyahu*s CHOICE to invade? COUNTLESS! Yet CNN and the MSM praise israel and rally against russia...conveniently just after BRICS nations (Brazil Russia India China South Africa) hold a meeting to discuss the creation of a new international monetary institution to rival the IMF and the American federal Reserve. .. GOOD TIMING!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:48:10 +0000

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