HOW GEORGE SOROS & N.M. ROTHSCHILDS SHALL DESTROY THE EURO CURRENCY and GREEK PEOPLE POWER EXPOSES a JEWISH CONSPIRACY: Little Baby Prince George will inherit a fortune of more than £1billion. And a large part of that portfolio will be EUROPEAN properties bought at times of RECESSION, and sold at times of BOOMING HOUSE PRICES. The Boom and Bust economic strategy exists because movements in prices of things [either up or down] can be betted against - and the super-wealthy get rich no matter which direction they push the economy. In other words NO SUPER WEALTHY PERSON WANTS STABILITY. So, therefore, the IMF Bail Outs for Greece and Portugal and Ireland are ALWAYS DOOMED TO FAIL - because speculators like George Soros and N.M. Rothschilds want CHANGE in the value of stocks, property and currencies... Report by CHRIS EVERARD christophereverard/christopherever…/Magazine.html Way back in 2011, GEORGE SOROS urged Greece and Portugal to leave the Euro. He also urged for the issuing of EUROBONDS. In 2014, N.M. Rothschilds started a £130m [$200m] bet against the Euro. Now, in 2015, anti-Euro PEOPLE POWER parties are voting to scrap the German-controlled Euro from destroying Greece any further. Clearly, with such pitiful low wages, and such a vast and amazing TOURISM POTENTIAL, Greece must DUMP THE EURO, JAIL the BANKERS, re-issue a fresh currency, declare TAX HAVEN STATUS, attract new businesses, and then CAMPAIGN TO GET OTHER E.U. MEMBER STATES to DUMP THE EURO. The only sure-fire way to stimulate the Greek economy is to have a currency which offers massive VALUE FOR MONEY, and encourage Brits and people living in the northern part of Europe to buy cheap Greek holiday homes. THE FUTURE PLAN FOR GREEK GROWTH: Greece has enormous SEA TERRITORY - immediately, floating Solar Power pods should be mass produced and used to make Greece an EXPORTER of clean and cheap Solar Electricity within 10 years. Those exact same floating Solar Pontoons will boost eco-tourism and fishing. Next, a BIO-FUEL policy must immediately be enacted which converts Olive oil, vegetable oil and seaweed ocean crops to BIO-DIESEL. Next, Greece needs to claw back the tourism lost to its neighbour TURKEY and to do that the Greeks must ADOPT ENGLISH AS A PRIMARY PARALLEL LANGUAGE. These three initiatives will, along with dumping the EURO and dumping AUSTERITY make Greece a great country once more - possibly the BEST country in the Mediterranean! In fact, Greece should DECRIMINALISE CANNABIS along the same lines as the licensed Coffee-shop model of the Netherlands, and make ATHENS an AMSTERDAM IN THE SUN type tourist destination. Lastly, Greece needs to SLASH AND BURN all banks and bankers who stole/froze private savings in the CYPRUS BANKING SCAM. HOW DID WE GET HERE: With doctors and teachers in Greece living on the poverty line, we need to see what a disgusting scam was perpetrated on Greek people - especially those who had savings in CYPRUS; Todays anti-EURO election and massive PEOPLE POWER surge was triggered in December 2014, when the Parliament rejected Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’ pro-austerity candidate for president. Samaras had been accused of running a PRO-ISRAELI super-elite of Jewish politicians & bankers who were wringing Greece dry. The anti-austerity Syriza party exposed/accused this pro-Israeli faction, calling a spade a spade and captured a 3% lead in the polls following mass public discontent over the harsh austerity measures Athens was forced to accept in return for a €240 billion bailout... But wait - that money never ever benefitted a single Greek person! Much of the money ended up in Swiss Bank accounts run allegedly by the mother of the former Prime Minister. Theodoros Karypidis, the left-wing Syriza Party’s candidate for governor of Western Macedonia, said Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras was at the head of a Jewish plot to visit “a new Hanukkah against the Greeks.” Austerity has plunged the economy into conditions worse than in the Great Depression - is this any surprise? After all, the word AUSTERITY means the opposite of PROSPERITY. The EU Bailout was a POISON PILL. And you cannot cure a sick patient by feeding them poison. Ireland was similarly forced into an EU bailout [which no Irish person has benefitted from], with painful austerity measures attached. A series of letters has recently come to light showing that the Irish government was effectively blackmailed into it, with the threat that the ECB would otherwise cut off liquidity funding to Ireland’s banks. The same sort of threat has been leveled at the Greeks, but this time they are not taking the bait. Today is the beginning of a five year nose-dive for the EURO, and the beginning of Europes BOOM TIME - the cheaper Euro will stimulate massive sales of German cars around the world and a feeding frenzy on Greek holiday cottages. ____________________________ Note: CHRIS EVERARD is the editor of FYB Magazine - the magazine for brainy people - which reports on subjects generally ignored by the mainstream media christophereverard/christopherever…/Magazine.html
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 09:39:44 +0000

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