HOW I DEFEATED LKISHAMI IN CHURCH ON SUNDAY Last Sunday, I reaffirmed my commitment to defeat Lkishami as usual in all battle fronts. I was in the Church of God in some part of this noble city. Please don’t call me a wolf in sheep skin, I am just an innocent Lmooli shepherd whose main calling is to herd Nkarkun against Lions called Lkii- eshami. The first display of my skills of war was during a lyric called …..Lingala ya yesu, inaokoa…. This tune is very danceable and when it ranted the air I threw away my jacket. Standing close to me was a Lkishami Nkarkuni Nyepamba. Her name will be withheld for security reasons. I bent in her direction and invited her for a dance. Being a public figure, I made sure first that there was no Lkishami near me with a Bakora like that Kwale man who dealt with Raila Odinga. I then deployed the first dancing techniques of Chini kwa chini….On this one, even Michael Jackson recognizes me leave about Dr. Owuor. I threw my hands in the air as I swagger in the direction of Nkarkuni Nyepamba. By this time the church was wild with cheers as they form a ring to cheer me- Nkopiro Nailenya. Halleluyah! The matter did not end there. At the background, I could hear the vibes of Gloria Muliro as she releases her popular hit……Najitia Kitanzi…Nimechoshwa sanaa… I consulted my brain on emergency on the dancing tactics required here. The immediate action was sagging the trouser to half the ‘place’, then open the upper button of the shirt and make the collar to stand. This made me look more digital than all Lkishami combined. When the vibe was fully in the air I sauntered in the direction of my targeted Nkarkuni and took a position in what mathematics calls Isosceles triangle….the styles I displayed in this dance were a mixture of Karate, judo and taekwondo. The Nkarkun did not let me down, she swung her waist forward and back ward as she leans on my classic chest……Wah! Wah! Can somebody Shout Amen!! By the time I was through, all Lkishami Nkarkun were shouting…..Lempei anabamba…Lempei for Pope. What a Sunday! Good week Brethren and Sistren!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 10:01:06 +0000

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