HOW I EARNS $250-$300 MONTHLY FOR ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN FOREIGN MAGAZINES. {You too can be part of this On-line Money Making venture at your leisure.}. By: David Alfred-Dogwo....... 08034768404 Before I get started, it might be useful to you to bookmark this post, since it has a ton of links in it that will be useful to you if you want to earn money selling your articles. They are free sites that once your articles are accepted for publication, ypur bank account swiftcode is requested and you are paid within 48hours. When Bro. Simon Abu of Code of Conduct Bureau, Bauchi state compaired my writting skills with some of our Nigerian journalists, he (Abu) adviced me on the 12th ofAugust, 2012 to be preicise, that I should pinch my tent as a freelance writer and columnist in one of the largest national and international dailies and get paid otherwise, I was yet to think of comming across a list of sites where a writer can submit articles for payment, so I began doing Google searches and poking around forums to find out where people were getting paid for submitting their writing. I have, unfortunately, not had the time to go through and make sure everyone of these sites is an ideal place to send your writing. Some are, no doubt, better than others. Make sure you read carefully about what kind of terms a website is offering you. It is up to you to decide if you like what a site has to offer - so use this list at your own leisure. To get you started, Id like to recommend a couple of sites that I think are top of the line. One, associatedcontent/join.html?refer=20542, This website has accepted several of my articles, one for as little as $150 per published article, and some for as much as $200 per published article. That is probably the best site out there for submitting articles for payment and you too can add upto your income. And since your article will be reviewed by a real person, and priced, or rejected, accordingly, you will have the chance to find out if your articles are really any good before someone elses eyes. Once you sign up, you will receive suggestions on good topics to write about, but you can really write about anything you want, even local stuff. Two, constant-content/?aref=10331/. I have used this site as well and made little good money here. When I wrote about my experience at Helium, I made $300 over the course of a few weeks to last Christmas. Another writer Uduak Johnson, explains in the Constant-Content forums that she makes a living just by writing three articles per week for this site. However, you need to be able to produce quality, error free articles to even get your work accepted on this site, and your name will not be included with your article. It will also be to your advantage if you can write on computer-internet related topics, or on popular topics like business or health. Once you sign up, you will be able to see requests for particular kinds of content, and see what articles have been selling recently. Now, for a few more possibilities you might like to check out. The following provide some sort of monetary compensation for articles on various topics: *lifetips/ *howtodothings/ *writerwrangler/*newsforge/write.tmpl *paidpostingtools/writers.asp *suite101/writer_faq This website is on performance based payment. These sites typically involve posting your article with Google Adsense ads, and split the profit from the ads with you. Check out a site carefully before you submit. My suggestion here is, write about a niche topic - something that people are searching for, but that there isnt necessarily a lot of competition for. Instead of writing about how to make money, write about how to make money teaching french - or whatever. Dont just write about the Grand Canyon, but about Hiking trails in the Grand Canyon. And definitely use your keywords. Look for a keyword that is being searched for at least a 1,000 times per day. (Go back to the article guide section Google Me in day 4 on article writing if your lost right now.) articleaxis/writingup/en.articlesgratuits/nicheblast/triond/helium/xomba/wiseorb/mylot/orble/earn-money/ YOU TOO CAN BE PART OF THIS AMAZING WAY OF MAKING MONEY ON LINE I am your most humble, respectful and obedient, servant, *********************DAVID ALFRED-DOGWO Former Principal Private Secretary to His Excellency, Air Commodore Dan Suleiman. (Rtd) OFR.; a Prolific Writer and adventurist in Grammar; frontier in Political and Cultural Psychology; Ambassador of Peace; keen political Activist and radical Social Justice Campaigner. I embody this as an active and high profile member of the Nigerian Youth Advocacy for Good Governance locally, regionally and federally; Certified Expert Freelance Writer and International blogger with columnist Samuel Huntington of Politics and Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress; My articles have appeared in Nigerian Dailies, The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Atlantic Monthly, Foreign Policy, and The Local National Interest, among other publications. I can be reached at: +234 803 4768 404 davidalfrreddogwo@rocketmail
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 15:50:33 +0000

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