HOW I SEE CURRENT ELECTORAL SCENE The dominant developments in - TopicsExpress


HOW I SEE CURRENT ELECTORAL SCENE The dominant developments in Indian politics today stand sharp contrast to essence of democracy. The concept of hero-worship or politics of Messianism is antithetic to politics of people. To place a leader above the people means to reduce the masses as blind followers and, the consequence is denial of independent role of the people. Democracy survives on collective wisdom people and it draws its strength from individual freedom and I call it social conscience. The social conscience is of paramount importance that nurtures the collective vigilance to democracy and act as collective shield against the enemies of people and society at large. The political maturity and strength of collective vigilance faces its real test when individual freedom and democratic structure is trampled, when forces of reaction disrupt people’s unity and basic livelihood comes under severe attack. The struggle against infamous emergency rule and defeat of Congress regime led by Ms Gandhi one of the people’s successful exhibition of their vigilance. But same collective vigilance and opposition could not be exhibited when series of riots took place including infamous 1984 in Delhi, demolition of Babri Mosque in 1992 and after , Gujurat genocide in 2002, Gujarat or against savagery acts of ‘Khap Panchayat’ and growing attack on women and dalits in different places. However, wider and massive mass demonstration against Delhi gang rape and similar cases are signs of rising consciousness. While Price of liberty demands advancement and enrichment of people’s consciousness equally also we see vast mass of people remained bonded to narrow and parochial boundaries of caste, religion or any such divisive identity and it speaks the deficit in ideological and political perception of masses and lapses in collective vigilance. The deficit is due to ‘social conscience’ of our time not inheriting legacy of freedom struggle and enriching it further to face new challenges. The loss of democratic space is inevitably to be exploited by forces of reactionary politics in a situation when the new generation is least imbibed to sacrifices and dedication of freedom fighters, a vast mass of youth being driven by consumerist culture and careerism, secularization of polity is being overpowered by caste, communal and religious orthodoxy and neo-liberal economy gives birth to ever increasing inequality, unemployment, poverty and discontent of all cues. . This is where actually, the difference between ideological implicit behind political cultures of hero-worships and people’s politics is located. Leaders are product of history, made hero through struggle and sacrifice and they do not stand above the masses. The country does need no Modi or no Rahul or no Kejerewala or no license to regional Satraps but acts of sacrifice and dedication, committed to struggle to end exploitation and oppression and life of honesty and integrity in all spheres. The leaders manufactured by media, nurtured and promoted by corporate houses, drawing their ideological base from caste, and communal forces are serious threat to democracy. Whether one is liberal or conservative, communist or socialist the ideas inherent in struggle for independence: economic sovereignty, political freedom and secular society is non-negotiable. The electoral process when becomes an important political event of debate and dialogue to expose, divisive and reactionary forces, masses and media discuss the socio-economic issues confronting society it gives birth to culture of people’s politics and then only cult of hero-worship projecting a leader larger than the people is defeated.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 19:57:16 +0000

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