HOW I WAS DELIVERED FROM DEATH AND HOW THE ANGELS OF GOD SANG A SONG OVER MY REPENTANCE. JOHN 10:10 10 The thief cometh not, but for to STEAL, and to KILL, and to DESTROY: (MIND YOU: SATAN IS THE THIEF HERE AND HE WANT TO QUICKLY KILL THOSE FOUND IN SIN THESE DAYS IN ORDER FOR THEM NOT TO HAVE A CHANCE OF REPENTANCE ANYMORE.) TESTIMONY CONCERNING MY ATTACK. During my Repentance and Reconciliation to GOD last year June, 2013. I went into Fasting and Prayers with all my Heart, Tears and Spirit before GOD. And during this period of Crying and telling GOD i am sorry for all what i have done against HIM. Satan sent his demons to come and quickly kill me before i could complete my repentance. THIS ATTACK LOOKS SPIRITUAL BUT YET, IT LOOKS MORE REALITY THAN HOW I WAS SEEING IT IN THE SPIRIT. I saw some demons came and fight with me during my Repentance, they came and took or pull away my SOUL out from my CHEST with full force. DEMONS PULL MY SOUL out of my body and i shouted the name of J E S U S for help, i fought back strongly with the name of JESUS and immediately, my TWO HANDS become very long while my body still remain on my bed (because i was lying down on my bed in the night when the demons came). With my two long hands, i stretched them further and GRABED MY SOUL from the demons and they also dragged it with me, but i DRAGGED IT BACK TO MY CHEST. I fixed my Soul back to my body in the Name of JESUS - HALLELUJAH. THEREFORE, i warn anyone that is repenting, to do so with all his or her heart in FASTING, PRAYERS & with TEARS BEOFRE GOD, and even after your main repentance, Keep Repenting and praying every moment of your life because, Satan is now looking for anyway to KILL those that will not hide under the umbrella of CHRIST JESUS in full this last days. ON MY SECOND ENCOUNTER: After my short hours of my 21 days Fasting and Prayers during my Repentance in June last year 2013. I went into 3 DAYS & 3 NIGHTS DRY FASTING & PRAYERS still Repenting and Praying for other things to GOD. During the above process, HEAVEN was open for me to hear what was going on over there. This time, it was in the Physical Realm. I COULD HEAR PHYSICALLY ANGELS OR SAINTS OF GOD SINGING IN HEAVEN AND REJOICING OVER MY RECONCILIATION TO OUR LORD GOD ALMIGHTY THROUGH JESUS CHRIST HIS BEGOTTEN SON. I HEARD THE ANGELS OF GOD SINGING AND REJOICING OVER MY REPENTANCE AND I HEARD THEM PHYSICALLY SINGING THIS SONG: Halleluuuujaaah, Halleluuuujaaaah, Halleluuujaaaah, Halleluu uujaah AND THEN FOLLOW WITH THE SOLO WITH SWEET VOICES I CAN NOT DESCRIBED. With the above Sweet Song The ANGELS SANG to GOD over my Repentance now opened my eyes to what our LORD JESUS said in the BOOK of: LUKE 15:3-7 3 And he spake this parable unto them, saying, 4 What man of you, having an hundred SHEEP, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? 5 And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, REJOICING. 6 And when he cometh home, he calleth together his FRIENDS and NEIGHBOURS, saying unto them, REJOICE with ME; for I have FOUND MY SHEEP which was LOST. 7 I say unto you, that likewise JOY shall be in HEAVEN over one SINNER that REPENTTETH, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance. BROTHERS! SISTERS, Come out of WORLDLINESS and those things you know is separating you from GOD. Let Heaven Rejoice over your Reconciliation to GOD ALMIGHTY through our LORD JESUS CHRIST. The LORD JESUS has been covering you with HIS GRACE and now, HIS GRACE is about to be taken away from you. If you read and still harden your heart, WELL THAT IS LEFT FOR YOU. Please Pray for the MERCY OF GOD always because of the RESTITUTION you are yet to complete. Parts of my Restitution have been completed but yet, i still have some to do. I am still more than ever working towards it with all my heart. If the Rapture will happen now and GOD sees your heart that you are not doing anything concerning it, what do you think will happen to you? I live that for the LORD JESUS to decide in your case. MAY THE ALMIGHTY GOD BE WITH YOU ALL IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME, AMEN.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 12:32:49 +0000

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