HOW IS YOUR COWBELL DOING ???????????????? Somebody Elses - TopicsExpress


HOW IS YOUR COWBELL DOING ???????????????? Somebody Elses Cowbell by Dan Wolgemuth on June 13, 2014 My ride started innocently enough, but without premeditation, I had merged into the cycling route of a local triathlon. Saturday at the Aurora Reservoir was a noteworthy adventure, and as I pulled onto east bound Quincy Avenue, I was the fortunate benefactor of a road closed to motor traffic and a sweeping flow of riders. Up and down the rolling two lanes we traveled. The beautiful bicycles beside me all had their entry number attached to the cross bar, all except me. The companionship was like jet fuel. I pedaled and watched and relished what I was a part of. As I entered the park area where cyclists would dismount and begin the running portion of the event, a sizeable crowd of people lined the road. Cheers exploded with each passing rider and cowbells rattled in audible support. Family, friends and well-wishers propelled the contestants forward. I’m quite certain that I blushed as I realized what was happening. I hadn’t earned the cowbells that rang for me. I hadn’t started my day with a fresh water swim. I wasn’t about to swiftly shift into running shoes and pound the pavement. These were not my cowbells, and yet they rang enthusiastically for me. And so I pedaled; harder; more intensely; more appropriately… to the tone of somebody else’s cowbell. “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” ~ 2 Corinthians 5:21 Did you see it? In Him we become the righteousness of God. God celebrates righteousness in us at Jesus’ expense. His entry fee paid for the cowbells of celebration that rightly belong to Jesus. We are swept up into the momentum of community… the Church of Christ rides on; propelled; inspired; fueled; cheered on by the saints of old… saints that have heard the cowbells as well. Grace. Cowbells for the righteousness of Jesus, clanging for me. Last Saturday I most certainly expected to exercise my body, but I certainly didn’t think my soul would get a workout at the same time. Savor the cowbells. Worship the giver of the gift. Ride with courage. Cherish the community. Thank you Jesus. Grace. Enjoy reading Dans Friday Fragments? Now, weve compiled some of the best Fragments into a book! In this book, youll find yourself inspired as Dan connects The Almighty and His divine plan with the fragmented occurences of life. Work, marriage, family, and play all provide a unique perspective on life and relationship to God. Dans honest reflections and confessions will challenge you to see how God is already at work in your life. To learn more, click here. All staff and volunteers of YFC/USA receive Dans Fragments automatically. Anyone else can subscribe and unsubscribe. Please feel free to pass this Fragment along by clicking here clicks.skem1/f/?g=4420&c=20881&p=9ea539f1695f3d54f8b57afb7bec08b4. Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your browser. Youth for Christ USA 7670 S. Vaughn Ct. Englewood, CO 80112 303.843.9000 |
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 12:55:29 +0000

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