HOW LONG DO WE APPLAUD THESE IMPUNITY. Politics of our dear - TopicsExpress


HOW LONG DO WE APPLAUD THESE IMPUNITY. Politics of our dear state are deeply rooted in corruption. Various attempts to our amiable Governor curb the situation proves abortive, such efforts included the attempted the introduction of electronic direct data captor machines at the various local government secretariats and other public offices to checkmate ghost workers absenteeism, negligence of duties and gross misconduct of civil servants. The Governor having worked in public office for a decade is tapping in the wealth of his knowledge in curbing the situation to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Hampered by these and suck agents of government who commit tax fraud such as unremittance of tax money to government and othetr time the actual money is not being paid hence forcing government to sell out these contracts to individuals and companies. These tax contractors use all means possible to recover their money hence causing havoc and all manners of untold hardship to the masses in form of incessant arrest, litigation, intimidation and manipulations. Despite all these, there are not commensurate development to match huge taxes paid by Abians. Among the south East , Abia is among the state with the highest paid External Generated Revenue more Imo, Anambra, Enugu, yet among these states, Abia is the least developed. One wonders where these resources both IGR and IGR go into with both huge debts, unpaid arrears ( recurrent expenditure) infrastructural deficit/decay (capital expenditure). Transitional chairman and councilors who receives “peanut” as salary. Are we all cowards, how long do we allow our selfish leaders perpetuate these colossal harm to our generation and generation unborn. The time to effect the change is now or else another imposed leader rule us again. Together we can effect this change . Join us at Good Governance Initative https://facebook/groups/1388706224733586/
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 13:05:09 +0000

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