HOW LONG MUST I PRAY? Fr. Gerald M. Musa We constantly knock - TopicsExpress


HOW LONG MUST I PRAY? Fr. Gerald M. Musa We constantly knock on heaven’s door expecting instant answers to our prayers. In frustration and anger we knock, knock, and knock. We always hold our agenda when we come knocking at heaven’s door, seeking for answers and solutions to our problems. I need a job; I need healing from my sickness; I need a resolution to the many conflicts around me; I want the blessing of having a son or daughter; I need a good husband or wife; I need a promotion in my working place. Sometimes, we get quick results and at other times there is a long delay. During the period of delay we ask: How long must I pray and how long must I wait? In such moments we exclaim like the Psalmist: Answer me speedily, O Lord; my spirit fails!” (Psalm 143:7). A song titled “Hold my Heart” has the following lyric: How long must I pray…? How long must I wait, must I wait for You? How long til I see Your face, see You shining through? Im on my knees, begging You to notice me. Im on my knees, Father will You turn to me? The above song sounds like a cry to God in Psalm 22:1-3: “Why are you so far from helping me? Why are you so far from the words of my groaning, O God I cry by day and you do not answer, at night but no rest. Why, God have you forsaken me?” The story of the battle between Israel and the Amalekites is a perfect example of the importance of praying without ceasing. In those days, Amalek came and waged an unprovoked war against Israel. Joshua picked up some men to engage Amalek in Battle, while Moses stood on top of the hill with a staff of God…As long as Moses kept his hands raised up, Israel had a better of the fight, but when he had his hands rest, Amalek had the better fight. Moses was able to sustain his intercessory prayer because of the support of his prayer partners Hur and Aaron. We also ask for the support of family, friends and praying community in crucial moments of our life. The staff of God, which Moses raised in prayer, is very significant. It was the rod that Moses used to divide the sea for the Israelites to cross; it was the same rod he used to bring water out of rock for the people of Israel to drink. This staff of God (the rod) was what Moses lifted up during the battle with the Amalekites at Rephidim. The Lord had instructed Moses And thou shall take in thine hand this rod, wherewith thou shalt do signs (Exodus 4:17). The Amalekites had opposed Israelites on their way to the promised land. Amalek became a cog in the wheel of progress. They had fought the Israelites on several occasions: During the reign of Saul they fought Israel (1 Sam 15) and Gideon also had a battle with the Amalekites (Judges 6-8). The term Amalekites is sometimes used as a metaphor to describe a ruthless, stubborn, and relentless enemy. In life, we are confronted and overwhelmed by enemies and many times we are challenged for a fierce fight against the trials and adversities that surround us. We fight against the weaknesses that embarrass us, we constantly fight to overcome some sickness that put us down; we fight against all forms of evil; we fight against many opposing forces that surround us. We fight these battles without giving up and with a prayerful confidence in the words of the Lord, which says: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s” (2 Chronicles 20:15). Jesus told his disciples about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary. He gives an example of a woman who went constantly to a Judge seeking for justice against an adversary. For a long time the judge was unwilling, but after a long time he budged because he did not want to be bothered anymore by this widow. If this dishonest judge was able to listen to the widow, will God not listen to those who pray to him night and day? The Psalmist says: “I waited patiently for the Lord, and he inclined to me and heard my cry” (Psalm 40:1). Prayers can be very boring and monotonous when our needs are not met. Sometimes, prayers appear to be a waste of time when instant results don’t seem to come. What makes prayers even more boring is when we are constantly doing the talking without taking time to listen to the one to whom we pray. We speak and we listen through meditation. In meditation we silently listen to God, to his will and to his plans for us. We also listen to God in prayers when we combine prayers and the reading of scriptures. 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2 emphasises the power of scriptures in giving wisdom and in making people competent and equipped for the many challenges of life. How long must I continue to pray for my needs? The scriptures instruct us to continue steadfastly in prayer (Colossians 4:2). The good thing about prayer is that it assures us of the presence of God and without prayer we are like fish taken out of water. In prayer we grow spiritually, in prayer our faith is nourished.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 09:15:22 +0000

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