HOW MANY SIERRA LEONE OPPOSITION PUBLIC SERVANTS CONTINUE TO STIFLE THE AGENDA FOR PROSPERITY. This agenda does not mean his Excellency the president Ernest Bai Koroma has a magic spell to change Salone over night. He depend on the commitment of people, and particularly the public service structure to make this vision practicable. For a Queensland public servant like me, years of work and experience has taught me that we should separate politics from our daily provision of services to the people, and the sitting government. It is now a second nature in the individualistic societal culture i experience public service work. But for the Salone public servant working in a community oriented setting where party politics over rides national interest it is now been made very clear to us that this kind of cultural orientation has adversely affected the way our old public servants and their mentality does their job. Since late president Kabbah, and the desperate efforts of his now defunct SLPP party to stuff our ministerial public service structure with members of his party (SLPP), about 65% are entrenched in the ministerial public service making life very difficult for the sitting APC minister, hiding vital development information from the minister, sabotaging many projects, stealing department funds all in a view to continue putting the government in a bad light. They also send negative information about the government to the outside world, conniving with haters and saboteurs of the PROSPERITY AGENDA and wishing the country bad luck all the time. This is why i have said it, and will say it again. If given an opportunity we will fight hard to crack this ministerial public service structure and stuff them with sound, brilliant and young minds who do not belong to the old generation of bad blood party politics. Stuffing them with those who are tuned with the current globalized systems and practices. One of the areas i have come to notice this practice is SPORTS. When i have full details of how these practices nearly killed sports in Salone i will publish it. Lest i forget! I congratulate sister Isha Johansen president of the Sierra Leone Foot Ball Association for her tireless efforts and contributions to football, and the new perspectives she has brought to our game in Salone. Well done madam and God bless you.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 22:09:06 +0000

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