HOW MMEMBE AND KABIMBA THINK THEY WILL REPLACE SATA We hinted about a fortnight ago that we were in receipt and investigating the plot by the cartel led by Fred Namakando Mmembe of the Post newspaper and some PF insiders to replace ailing dictator Michael Sata with Wynter Kabimba. Here is the scheme dubbed K4S also being called Kwacha for dollar (K for $!) among the top PF officials who are aware of the operation. The cartel is very much aware that Sata is in a very bad condition and any evacuation may be his last and he may only return as cargo. His uncle and minister of Finance Alexander Chikwanda, who is now in charge of government, will be assigned to accompany the sick nephew so that he leaves PF secretary General Wynter Kabimba as Acting President. When Sata dies abroad, as usual the information will not be filtered quickly while Kabimba establishes himself in the presidential seat. By the time the information will be made official, Kabimba will have been acting President and will cling on to power because the instruments of power will have been left with him by Sata, until the period of the by elections which the PF intend to win by all means necessary. Kabimba will apply to be adopted by the party, and this is the reason he has been trotting round the country meeting and bribing party officials, so that when the time for adoption comes, all structures in the country will support his adoption and contest the presidential by elections. In order to silence Sata’s son and Lusaka Mayor Mulenga Sata, the cartel has promised to nominate him and appoint him full cabinet minister or even Vice President to be ‘groomed’ to succeed Kabimba. But close sources say this is just meant to dupe baby cobra Mulenga. Mulenga will simply fill Kabimba’s nominated position, which will have been left vacant by ‘President’ Kabimba. Under ‘President’ Kabimba some ministers who are perceived to be anti-Kabimba will be dismissed and top on the list is Alexander Chikwanda, Judith Kapijimpanga, Edgar Lungu, Chishimba Kambwili and a few others. Kabimba will bring into his ‘cabinet’ some new names like Lusaka province youth Chairman Kennedy Kamba and former post Managing editor Amos Malupenga who is now Permanent Secretary in North Western province, after discarding most of Sata’s nominated MPs. To fool the Tonga people and in hope to dilute UPND’s growing support, Kabimba’s personal friend Judge Evans Hamaundu has been tipped to become the next Chief Justice, this scrap of a judge was recently and ignorantly appointed to the Supreme Court bench by Sata himself. This plan is secretly being coordinated and the planners are meeting at Post newspapers head office in Bwinjimfumu, we challenge Kabimba or indeed Namakando Mmembe to dispute this. Our source, who is also a member of this team tells us that the group is concerned about Mulenga Sata and are wondering whether he would buy into the idea but the task has been left to Namakando Mmembe who has since issued instructions to his reporters to start prominently featuring Mulenga in his newspaper so that it would be easier to sweet talk him by Mmembe himself. At the moment Mulenga is still blank. “The plan is advanced but the only obstacle is Mulenga because it looks like the father also wanted to leave power with him but so far this task to sweet talk him has been given to Mmembe. Kamba who is a close friend to Mulenga is being used to spy on Mulenga and assess his mood, Kamba is reporting to Mmembe who is the master planner every 48 hrs. Any time you just hear that the President has gone out of the country and accompanied by Hon. Chikwanda, just know that the plan has now ripened,” he added. Well, that is K4$ plan, which actually means Kabimba for Sata, being planned, engineered and coordinated by Mmembe, from his office.
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 05:43:49 +0000

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