HOW MORGAN LOST THE PLOT PART ONE IF ANY indication was needed - TopicsExpress


HOW MORGAN LOST THE PLOT PART ONE IF ANY indication was needed that Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC-T party are living in La-la-land, delusional and completely off the mark with accusations of vote rigging, it was provided in an interview that he gave to South Africa’s Etv. In the interview, broadcast on the morning of August 2, Tsvangirai gave the clearest indication yet that his allegations of vote-rigging are not rooted in fact but conjecture, delusional thinking and a basic refusal to self-examine and learn from mistakes. Asked to substantiate his allegations, Tsvangirai told the Etv interviewer that the MDC-T "used to control Manicaland" and now they do not have a single seat in Manicaland. "Could people have lost faith in us to that extent?" he asked. So basically, his allegations of rigging are based on the simple fact that he cannot believe that they lost. He took all his support for granted, that they would never desert him no matter what he did, no matter how badly he behaved. These are "his" people that he owns and he cannot see how on earth they could turn on his party and desert him. Tsvangirai and the MDC-T only need to look at examples from other countries to see how the mood of a people can change and they desert a party completely. Ask the Tories in the United Kingdom what happened to them when Tony Blair took over in 1997 from John Major. They lost seats that were considered strongholds. Ask the Republicans in the United States what happened to them when Bill Clinton took power. And then ask them what happened when Barack Obama took power and retained it in a second election, despite all Republicans being convinced that Obama was dead in the water. The US economy was in the doldrums, Obamacare was said by every single poll to be deeply unpopular. In fact, so incredulous were the Republicans after Obama won that they pulled a Tsvangirai and a lot of their supporters went on to social media and to the airwaves to allege that Obama and the "Chicago Mafia" had rigged the election. But, more importantly, we need to look at how Tsvangirai lost this election.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 12:38:15 +0000

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