HOW NOT TO TALK TO YOUR HUSBAND. WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU IGNORE YOUR WIFES NEEDS. The feelings expreesed by this woman in the video might be genuine and a lot of women do feel that way. But the way it was communicated is tantamount to putting the nail in the coffin. It appears that this womans expectations of marriage life are not what she has experienced in the last 15 years. It also appears that preparation for the marriage and what it entails may have been patchy if any at all. No matter the provocation or the temptation and whether he deserves it or not, you cant talk to your husband that way and expect him to treat you better than he has in the past. A cursory reading of Gary Chapmans 5 Love Languages will solve this problem. This couple each need love expressed to them in a certain way and it appears they are each very unfulfilled. For starters his love language is clearly Acts of Service. It is the way he will like her love expressed to him. Her love language is physical touch mainly, then receiving of gifts and he is clearly not meeting her need. She does look tired and fed up but her tactics or how she is choosing to vent her frustration will simply make things worse for her. He will begin to see her differently as an adversary not the love of his life which will make it even more difficult for him to do for her the things she wants. Also attacking and expressing contempt directly at your partner in conflict situations is the quickest way to divorce. Meanwhile he will still have his needs which she has clearly called time on meeting.This opens the door wide for third party temptations. Who knows how it will all pan out. This is certainly a great clip for marriage counselling especially for young ones who still have fresh love and believe it will last forever without any effort or strategy on their part. This is what it can look like down the line if you do not put in the work.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 19:34:14 +0000

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