HOW PEPPER THE PUG WAS GODWINKED HOME! “Our mission at PET - TopicsExpress


HOW PEPPER THE PUG WAS GODWINKED HOME! “Our mission at PET FBI is to help REUNITE LOST & FOUND PETS in Central Ohio by way of our free pet information center and FB page. Yesterday PEPPER THE PUG from Marengo, Ohio was reunited with her family thanks to a GODWINK and a CHAIN OF HELPFUL PEOPLE: First, Melissa posted that Pepper was lost. Next, Tiffany shared the post with her cousin Beth in Marengo. Then Beth, with NOTHING TO GO ON, got in her car to look for Pepper. Beth arrived at a spot and parked. She WALKED ABOUT 15 FEET, turned her head to look around, and THERE WAS PEPPER right in front of her eyes! What are the chances? Incredible!” •••• This wonderful reunion story reminds us that God winks on pets the same as He Divinely Aligns YOU when you’re feeling LOST or on UNCERTAIN pathways. Think of the number of times that you’ve been trying to CONNECT with someone, then, out of the blue a godwink occurs and you find yourself in the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME to encounter someone who leads you to the very person you are seeking. When that happens the best thing to do is to ACKNOWLEDGE the source of your GIFT ... God of course. And the more you allow godwinks into your life, the more you’ll experience them. Wishes for winks. SQ Btw, if you have a LOST or FOUND pet in Central Ohio, try connecting with facebook/
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 19:50:00 +0000

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