HOW RAILA PREPARED HIS SUPPORTERS FOR 2007/2008 POST ELECTION VIOLENCE; -From 2005, henceforward, Raila started inciting his supporters -He systematically used his murderous negative ethnicity strategy of 41 (communities) against 1 (community) -RAILA talked of historical injustices and advantages; talked of correcting those injustices, once and for all RAILA accused Kibaki and PNU of wanting to rig the General Election, without providing any evidence -RAILA issued threats of an election boycott; issued threats that he would reject the results; - RAILA repeatedly used violent language like calling the GEMA people nyoka (snakes) and his supporters siafu (ants) - Raila said that the siafu would remove the nyoka(Kikuyu) from the nest (Kenya); called Kibaki bubu (dumb) -RAILA called the CDF programme takataka; accused Kibaki of tribalism and favouring his region in developmental matters, again without providing a shred of evidence; -RAILA accused Kibaki of anointing Kenyatta to succeed him without any evidence -RAILA and his supporters invaded the tallying station/point at the KICC and disrupted counting and announcement of the results. -He was joined by NGOs under the auspices of Kenya for Peace, Truth and Justice (KPTJ) funded by international donors like Open Society of George Soros, an American millionaire. -The NGOs supported Raila, as did other foreign forces led by Britain and the UN. Remember, US Ambassador, Michael Ranneberger, was the first to congratulate Kibaki but retracted (the same) soon thereafter under pressure.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 13:07:38 +0000

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