HOW SHOULD WE REMEMBER SEPTEMBER 11, 2001? "The Obama - TopicsExpress


HOW SHOULD WE REMEMBER SEPTEMBER 11, 2001? "The Obama administration cannot say they do not have the evidence that explosives were used to destroy the Twin Towers; they know that super-thermite and other explosives were used to kill nearly three thousand Americans on 9-11. That’s the evil game they are playing; they cover-up the mass murder of 9-11 as they prepare to wage their next war of aggression. "To move ahead in the “War on Terror” game, the Obama administration now wants to attack Syria, claiming they have secret evidence that Assad gassed his own people. Once again, we are asked to believe these serious allegations without seeing any evidence. If Obama were to attack Syria it would be the third major war since 9-11 started in this deceitful way. "The good thing is that the American people and many world powers are strongly opposed to Obama’s proposed use of force against Syria. The only people who actually support Obama’s plan to aggress Syria are the Israelis and their Zionist agents in Congress. That is to be expected, of course, because the fraudulent “War on Terror” is an Israeli game developed and promoted by the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his military intelligence apparatus. "The bad thing, however, is that the terrorism game is not over yet. The “War on Terror” game will not be over until the people behind it are exposed, removed from office, and prosecuted for the crimes they have committed. This is why a complete and proper criminal investigation of 9-11 has to be done. "It is certainly not unreasonable to expect that such a criminal atrocity be fully investigated and prosecuted. It did not happen during the Bush administration because the person at the Department of Justice who was originally responsible for the 9-11 investigation and prosecution, the Israeli Michael Chertoff, was part of the conspiracy. He should be one of the first people arrested and charged for his role in the destruction of crucial evidence from the crimes of 9-11." PLEASE NOTE: The above material is quoted from the Christopher Bollyn website, where there is tons of material relative to the Zionist false-flag terrorist operations. AMERICANS WILL DO WELL TO "WISE UP" TO WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON HERE.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 01:35:02 +0000

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