HOW SUNGLASSES CAN CREATE OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU: When it comes to fashion people look at you from head (so make sure you begin right) and they keep assessing you past your shirt , dress, belt , pants down to your shoes (so make sure you end it right as well. ) If you dont have anything else make sure you invest in one good pair of sunglasses (if you wear one) , and your shoes are also your best assets. REMEMBER YOUR SHIRT IS NOT YOUR BEST ASSEST. Many people get it backwards. The human brain mostly remembers what is sees first and what it sees last and not quite what is sees in-between. These two items ( sunglasses and shoes) will help you pull off a lot and create better job, friendship, career and business opportunities for you. Many people look for jobs and think its all about the CV and resume , not always . You can step into an office or interview and from your looks you may get an offer. Learn to stand out with your fashion . Its not how much you spend on your sunglasses but how well you look in them. When you put on your sunglasses stand in front of a mirror, stand straight, shoulders poised , lean forward, backwards, sideways and examine your looks. If there is anytime you feel its not just right, follow your instinct and take them off because they probably are not . Remember people look at you not just from the front but from every different angles. Sometimes you may walk up to someone , chat with them , they feel interested and you are happy. You exchange numbers and expect a follow up but never get one. It may be because as you turned and walked away they saw your figure from a different angle and changed their mind. Or your sunglasses posed a not-so flattering image of you from the side view. Here are two simple advices (1) Take off your sunglasses when talking (it may be considered rude) (2) When you turn sideways it may paint a not-so flattering image of you. So never turn away first (this may the one simple advice that may save your new found friendship) . These are some of the things that can affect the type of sunglasses that you wear. The collar, the size of buttons, the zipper or fastener , the size, shapes of prints on your clothing, your neck tie, the shape and size of your suit (slim fit, one button, two buttons all require different types of shapes of sun glasses). The color of your fabrics determines your sunglasses. If you wear darker colors stay away from real dark sunglasses because you will look like a security agent rather than the gent or lady that is admired. Celebrities especially Hollywood stars invest a lot of money in their sunglasses art. There is a science to it. But am going to help you out here: Rule of thumb in picking out your shades: Think opposite. If you have a round face look for angular frames. If you have a square one, check out rounder styles. Furthermore, larger sunglasses tend to be more flattering than smaller ones Match the color of your frames with your shoes; keep it subtle and you’ll look the money. The best sunglasses for round faces are face-slimming wraparounds and oversize rectangles. Steer clear of big circular frames, which add fullness. Oversize squares, aviators, and wayfarers flatter a long face. Small round frames? Not so much. To soften your jawline, choose upturned wayfarers, oversize rectangles, or cateyes. Square frames, which echo the angles of your face, are not your friend. Draw attention up with oversize squares and wraparounds. Watch out for teardrop-shaped aviators—they emphasize a sharp chin. Keep checking our page for more tips on fashion. Email me if you have a fashion questions. I can assist you in wedding planning , matriculation, first date fashion rules, job interview fashion rules etc.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 14:37:07 +0000

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