HOW T.B. JOSHUA FURTHER EXPOSES HIS SO-CALLED SPIRITUAL POWER AS A CHARADE AND THE CORRESPONDING ASSISTANCE OF SOLDIERS OF ANTICHRIST! Any fan of T.B. Joshua and his Emmanuel TV should be disappointed and ashamed at the mans explanation of the reason for the collapse of his 6 storey Guest House at the Synagogue Church of All Nations. Why? A man, who has the capability of casting a legion of demons, spiritual husbands and spiritual wives out of his numerous clients, should not condescend too low to attribute the cause of his woes to ordinary man. A man, who gets demons of different kinds and numbers, trembling on hearing his name, should be ashamed to tell the world that ordinary man, flying an aircraft collapsed his Churchs Guest House, which ought to be the safest place on earth. Demons and terrorists, which is more powerful? Demons of course. But for decades, he and his wisemen have been dealing with legion of demons and not even a crack had occured on any of his building walls. How come it is ordinary man(terrorists) that collapsed his building to the point that a staggering 115 clients, who had visited him to worship God perished in the rubble? That means all these powers he claims and all the demons he commands out of his clients, are just like what we watch in movies; its a charade. Its not real. Its yahoo-yahoo. Its pseudo-spiritual power. Its film trick. Its Nollywood. Any time he came up with this defence of how a strange aircraft pulled down the building, I wonder if he does realise he was ridiculing himself and diminishing God. I always felt like telling him stop, stop, stop, you are exposing yourself the more. However, the tragedy provided him a good opportunity to prove himself, but again he failed; think of how great and revered this man would have become if he prayed and the 115 dead worshippers rose from the dead. Even atheists and bloody unbelievers like me, will believe in him and his god or gods. Think of it! It was the greatest opportunity for him to establish his spiritual credibility and win so many souls, but he couldnt. Elijah did it. The Messiah did it too and even assures us that greater things shall we do, but T.B is incapacitated. His clients are stone dead and as relatives identify their remains, they are moved home for burial. It is sad! T.B. Joshua has caused the world, particularly South Africa, so much sadness and sorrows. Yet, he has the temerity to say that those, who are bold to tell the world that all his miracles were fake, should be investigated because they know about the building collapse, while his goons are not bothered about the lives he wasted and the misery it has brought to the bereaved families, rather they are more adept at defending the man and rationalising the evil he perpetrated. This shows the extent of depth for which we had sunk as human beings and its very unfortunate. My brother Meighar wrote: People shouldnt expect the antichrist to come in rags. They will come in exotic cars and show of fake benevolence and miracles inorder to get many. I want to add that the antichrist had mobilized men and women in readiness for war against humanity. A situation where a human being boldly defends evil because the evil was perpetrated by a so-called man of God, what do you think he or she is? A soldier of antichrist of course. All the people, assisting T.B. Joshua to tell the world lies about the building collapse and the gruesome murder of 115 innocent persons and non-existent miracles, are all soldiers of antichrist. All those folks, who insult us on social network for daring to say the truth about their spiritual principals, are nothing but soldiers of antichrist. I challenge them to prove they are not. Not everyone that calls me, Lord, Lord, will inherit the kingdom of heaven, the Messiah declares. I challenge these folks to prove to us they are not soldiers of antichrist. I now understand why the Catholic Church bans its members from patronising these sorcerers, who masquerade as men of God. Keep waiting for a beast with horns and 666 written on its forehead before you believe that the antichrist and their soldiers are already all over the place. A word is enough for the wise.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 07:39:48 +0000

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