HOW THE INDIGENOUS MAN CAME TO THE AMERICAS by: Renzo Caonabo Garcia, RA King of the TAINO PEOPLE of the Caribbean nation. You can help by sending this article to your relatives, friends and business associates. I know that the e-mail is long....but all Native American Indians, like all Hispanic people of the Americas are, need and should take the time to read, analyze and meditate on this story. What should you do you ask? You and every one that reads it should pass it on, like our ancestor pass information using smoke signals, we should use our incredible power of technology to send this information to every one we know all over the world. I hope and pray that you pass it on in order for you to commence the process of change. I know that it’s a small step to take, but that is how faith works. Actions is the secret of how truly anything of value is done or accomplish by us human beans on mother earth. Nothing can be made into reality without the effort or action of a human bean that is determine and with a great and novel cause behind him to be able to accomplish it. IT’S CALLED MAKING YOUR DREAMS INTO REALITY. WE NEED TO HELP OUR PEOPLE UNDERSTAND WHO THEY ARE, WHERE THEY COME FROM AND WHERE THEY ARE GOING! The story starts from…… In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. This summarizes the drama that was about to unfold. We learn from the text that the earth was formless, empty, and dark, and Gods Spirit moved over the waters preparing to perform Gods creative Word. And then God began to speak into existence his creation. The day by day account follows: ◾Day 1 - God created light and separated the light from the darkness, calling light day and darkness night. ◾Day 2 - God created an expanse to separate the waters and called it sky. ◾Day 3 - God created the dry ground and gathered the waters, calling the dry ground land, and the gathered waters seas. On day three, God also created vegetation (plants and trees). ◾Day 4 - God created the sun, moon, and the stars to give light to the earth and to govern and separate the day and the night. These would also serve as signs to mark seasons, days, and years. ◾Day 5 - God created every living creature of the seas and every winged bird, blessing them to multiply and fill the waters and the sky with life. ◾Day 6 - God created the animals to fill the earth. On day six, God also created man and woman (Adam and Eve) in his own image to commune with him. He blessed them and gave them every creature and the whole earth to rule over, care for, and cultivate. ◾Day 7 - God had finished his work of creation and so he rested on the seventh day, blessing it and making it holy. Adam and Eve, according to the creation myth of Abrahamic religions, were the first man and woman. The story of Adam and Eve is central to the belief that God created human beings to live in a Paradise on earth, although they fell away from that state and formed the present world full of suffering and injustice. It provides the basis for the belief that humanity is in essence a single family, with everyone descended from a single pair of original ancestors. It also provides much of the scriptural basis for the doctrines of the Fall of man and Original Sin, important beliefs in Christianity, although not generally shared by Judaism or Islam. God fashions Adam from dust and places him in the Garden of Eden where he is to have dominion over the plants and animals. God places a tree in the garden which he prohibits Adam from eating. Eve is later created from one of Adams ribs to be Adams companion. However, the serpent tricks Eve into eating fruit from the forbidden tree. God curses only the serpent and the ground. He prophetically tells the woman and the man what will be the consequences of their sin of disobeying God. Then he banishes the them from the Garden of Eden. Adam knew his wife Eve intimately, and she conceived and bore Cain. She said, I have had a male child with the LORDs help. Then she also gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel became a shepherd of a flock, but Cain cultivated the land. In the course of time Cain presented some of the lands produce as an offering to the LORD. And Abel also presented [an offering] — some of the firstborn of his flock and their fat portions. The Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, but He did not have regard for Cain and his offering. Cain was furious, and he was downcast. Then the LORD said to Cain, Why are you furious? And why are you downcast? If you do right, wont you be accepted? But if thou do not do right, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must master it. Cain said to his brother Abel, Lets go out to the field. And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him. God asked Cain, Where [is] Abel thy brother? Cain replied, I know not: [Am] I my brothers keeper? And he said, What hast thou done? The voice of thy brothers blood crieth unto me from the ground. And now [art] thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brothers blood from thy hand; when thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth. As a result Cain was cursed and marked for life. With the earth left cursed to drink Abels blood, Cain was no longer able to farm the land. Cain was punished as a fugitive and wanderer. Cains curse extends to his descendants, Cains curse involves receiving a mark from God, commonly referred to as the mark of Cain. This mark serves as Gods promise to Cain for divine protection from premature death, with the stated purpose to prevent anyone from killing him. God made the mark visible. CAIN TURNED BLACK. Cain was the first black man to walk the earth. He was the first born of Adam and Eve. Cain is every indigenous man ancestor. All indigenous man come from the seed of Cain our human ancestral father. Cain was black but he intermixed from the beginning with his white brethren thus creating the first mulatos race, we all mulatos are a mixture of black and white genes. Then came the flood and our people came aboard the arc in the form of a mulata woman, the wife of Ham named - Neelatamauk. Ham and his decedents where cursed by Noah. The story goes like this….Noah began to be a husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren. And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness. (This was said to cover up the racism truth behind Noah’s curse.) And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. And he said, blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant, Africans were thus anciently understood to be the sons of Ham, particularly his descendant Cush, as Cushites are referred to throughout scripture as being the inhabitants of East Africa, and they and the Yoruba still trace their ancestry through Ham today. Beginning in the 9th century with the Jewish grammarian Judah ibn Quraysh, a relationship between the Semitic and Cushitic languages was seen; modern linguists group these two families, along with the Egyptian, Berber, Chadic, and Omotic language groups into the larger Afro-Asiatic language family. In addition, languages in the southern half of Africa are now seen as belonging to several distinct families independent of the Afro-Asiatic group. Some now discarded Hamitic theories have become viewed as racist; in particular a theory proposed in the 19th century by Speke, that the Tutsi were supposedly Hamitic and thus inherently superior. Then the word of God came to a man named Abram in a vision and repeated the promise of the land and descendants as numerous as the stars. Abram and God made a covenant ceremony, and God told of the future bondage of Israel in Egypt. God described to Abram the land that his offspring would claim: the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaims, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites, and Jebusites. Abram and his wife Sarai tried to make sense of how he would become a progenitor of nations since after 10 years of living in Canaan, no child had been born from Abrams seed. Sarai then offered her Egyptian handmaiden, a mulata woman, Hagar, for Abram to consort with so that he may have a child by her, as a wife. After Hagar found she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress, Sarai. Therefore, Sarai mistreated Hagar, and Hagar fled away. En route, the angel of the LORD spoke with Hagar at the fountain in the way to Shur. He instructed her to return and that her son would be a wild ass of a man; his hand shall be against every man, and every mans hand against him; and he shall dwell in the face of all his brethren. She was told to call her son Ishmael. Hagar then called the LORD who spoke to her El-roi, (Thou God seest me:). From that day, the well was called Beer-lahai-roi, (The well of him that liveth and seeth me.). She then did as she was instructed by returning to her mistress in order to have her child. Abram was eighty-six years of age when Ishmael was born. Ishmael was fourteen years old when Abrahams son Isaac was born to a different mother, Sarah. Sarah had finally borne her own child, even though she had passed her child bearing period. When she found Ishmael teasing Isaac, Sarah told Abraham to send both Ishmael and Hagar away. She declared that Ishmael would not share in Isaacs inheritance. Abraham was greatly distressed by his wifes words and sought the advice of his God. The Lord told Abraham not to be distressed but to do as his wife commanded. God reassured Abraham that in Isaac shall seed be called to thee. He also said that Ishmael would make a nation, because he is thy seed. THIS PROMISE CAME TO PASS IN THE AMERICAS CONTINENTS. WE THE INDIGENOUS MAN ARE THE NATION OF ISHMAEL. Early the next morning, Abraham brought Hagar and Ishmael out together. He gave her bread and water and sent them away. The two wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba until her bottle of water was completely consumed. In a moment of despair, she burst in tears. The boy then called to God and upon hearing him, an angel of God confirmed to Hagar that he would become a great indigenous nation. A well of water then appeared so that it saved their lives. As the boy grew, he became a skilled archer living in the wilderness of Paran. Eventually his mother found a mulata wife for Ishmael from her home country, the land of Egypt. Ishmael his mother Hagar his wife and his family settled in Africa in Ethiopia, Then a great Jewish king was born Solomon in the North and a great Queen Sheba in the South…… An ancient compilation of Ethiopian legends, Kebra Negast (the Glory of Kings), is dated to the 14th century AD and relates a history of Makeda and her descendants. In this account King Solomon is said to have seduced the Queen of Sheba and sired her son, Menelik I, who would become the first Emperor of Ethiopia. The narrative given in the Kebra Negast - which has no parallel in the Hebrew Biblical story - is that King Solomon invited the Queen of Sheba to a banquet, serving spicy food to induce her thirst, and inviting her to stay in his palace overnight. The Queen asked him to swear that he would not take her by force. He accepted upon the condition that she, in turn, would not take anything from his house by force. The Queen assured that she would not, slightly offended by the implication that she, a rich and powerful monarch, and would engage in stealing. However, as she woke up in the middle of the night, she was very thirsty. Just as she reached for a jar of water placed close to her bed, King Solomon appeared, warning her that she was breaking her oath, water being the most valuable of all material possessions. Thus, while quenching her thirst, she set the king free from his promise and they spent the night together. This united the kingdoms and started our tradition of traveling up and down the coast of Africa. The indigenous man that you see today is the development of the black people of Ethiopia intermixing with the white and Asian people. This intermixing began when we were enslaved in the land of Egypt, there we learned how to build the pyramids and temples for the pharaohs. Then our white brethren were also enslaved by the Egyptians people and we started mixing. As we mixed our skin got lighter and lighter. Then a man named Moses came along….. According to the Book of Exodus, Moses was born in a time when his people, the Children of Israel, were increasing in numbers and the Egyptian Pharaoh was worried that they might ally with Egypts enemies. Moses Hebrew mother, Jochebed, secretly hid him when the Pharaoh ordered all newborn Hebrew boys to be killed upon the circulating prophecy among Egyptian priests of a messianic deliverer among the Hebrew slaves. Through the Pharaohs sister Queen Bithia, the child was adopted as a foundling from the Nile river and grew up with the Egyptian royal family. After killing an Egyptian slavemaster, Moses fled across the Red Sea to Midian, where he encountered the God of Israel in the form of a burning bush. God sent Moses back to Egypt to demand the release of the Israelites from slavery. After the Ten Plagues, Moses led the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea, after which they based themselves at Mount Sinai, where Moses received the Ten Commandments. After 40 years of wandering in the desert, Moses died within sight of the Promised Land. The mulatos Jews were freed along with the white Jews but because of obvious difference the white people moved to the Promised Land while the mulatos Jews continue traveling and intermixing along the coast of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Iran, Pakistan and India. We learned to adopt in our journey where ever the clan decide to stop we all stopped populating the area as we traveled. Building structures and leaving our mark as we embarked on our never ending walk for our survival. Just look around the indigenous people are still to this day relocating to where the work and a better prosperity sends them. The United States has that problem today where our government believes that too many of our people, the indigenous people of the southern hemisphere are moving North because of the lack of resources in their native lands, therefor we have border patrol in the borders. Our people lived in this area of the world for a long time before continuing on our journey. In India we changed our ideology of God and found our passion for nature and the respect for all living things. My people the Tainos journeyed along the coasts and learn to love to inhabit the islands along the way. From India we travelled along the coasts of what is today Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Kamchatka into the small island chain into Alaska down the western coast to Canada, The United States, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, up the eastern coasts into Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, French Guiana, Venezuela, must continued along the eastern costs of the Americas but some went into the islands of Trinidad and Tabago, Grenada, Saint Vincent, Barbados, Saint Lucia, Dominica, Antigua, Saint kitts, Anguilla, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Haiti/ Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Cuba and The Bahamas.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 12:43:27 +0000

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