HOW THE NEWS OF A HEADLESS GOAT WAS RECIVED IN JUBA the mass civilians in Juba recieved the news on tuesday this week with mixed reaction. Other percived it as a miracle while other took it in different dimension. The hardworking citizens of Torit County went to thier duties as usual. Suddenly Mr.David came to see his goats the only mean of survival one morning only to be shocked with the news of a goat which gave a birth to a headless young one. It was Wanni Igga who lastly heard the news. Wanni: Mr. President i dont know if ngundeng was trying to tell we, the equotoria something. Kiir: what are you talking about mr. Igga Wanni: well, the birth of a headless goat in torit Kiir: ahahah ahahah kikiki kikiki OMG. I need a drink. Wanni: this is a very serious case perhap Prophet T.B Joshua need to be alert. Kiir: ahahah, figure it out mr. Vice president. Why only in Equotoria could this has happened. Gen. Mamur was listenly quitely until he busted out laughing loudly. Mamur: ahahah, it mean we have no brain. Ngundeng actually is tell us something. Ateny: we need to investigate this. I think they are rebels espeically Dak Kueth must be having a hand in this. Kiir: well, you says it all Gen. Mamur. But all the communication has been closed by the self-proclaimed prophet, Dak Kueth. Mamur: i also heard Gen. Malong rans away from Gen. Atuor in Addis ababa. Can anyone of us confirm this truth. Ahahahah ahahahah kikikiki Kiir was disappointed a bit but Wanni Igga who was busy ready a report overheard it and laugh more loudly. Wanni: ahahaha pwahahah kikiki Om Ribs. Gen. Mamur r u suggesting that; Kiir will be arrested when he go to meet riek on 9th? More laugh. President Kiir by than went out for a phone calls. When he returns in, he announced the bad news, Kiir: Gen. Atuor will be going to Aweil anytime. Wanni: but Malong ran in addis because of Him. I think we need more Merceneries to fight Him and Gatdet...or what r u suggesting Mr. President?
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:17:57 +0000

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