HOW THE UNIVERSE CREATED/EVOLVED! TO USE THIS KNOWLEDGE FOR MARS MISSION EXPLORATION *************************************************************** This information is inevitable to maintain healthy and spiritual life of human community as it reveals the facts of the creation of the human and all the other animate and inanimate creatures in the earth and in the universe. Secondly as it is telling the creator of all these matters, it is useful to avoid all the wicked doings of the human community done in the name of the present personalities as the GOD of the universe. And thirdly it is useful to continue our space exploration activities in the right directions and do it economically by avoiding unnecessary efforts. And as it depicts the facts of various natural calamities like sea level rise, land submerges into the sea, huge floods, lands became deserts, and so on, it is useful for all kinds of forecasts and thus saving the human life. So this information is inevitable to make the human community to the next level of generation maturity and peaceful living. WHAT WENT ON EVOLVING THE VARIOUS CELESTIAL BODIES AND THE UNIVERSE ARE AS FOLLOWS ***Now we rely on the Higg Boson theory of Big Bang/Planck epoch which states about the God Particle of the root/start for all these creations in the universe. By these theories also we know at one stage of creation of energy, thus the universe, there was fire matter/molecular cloud composed of hydrogen, helium and some other such matters. But any way there was fire matter full of this universe at one stage. The contention on who created this fire matter/God Particle first may be left to the believers of the GOD and the ATHEIST and even to the scientist also. But for that the GOD said in JUDAISM, BIBLE and the KURAAN and in any other religion is not acceded to as the GOD of the Universe. Because the said GOD in these Holy Books did not correctly tell what we, the human, even know it. Hence some body and some people, community, etc., in the name of GOD and their faith in the GOD and worship have written many wrong things also. As the GOD will not tell/give wrong information we can outrightly reject the contents of many Holy Books claiming what they say are the factual GOD. So the GOD of creature is the matter of fire and the creator of this fire only. *** From the fire matter only all the celestial bodies of planets, stars, galaxies, and the animate and inanimate beings, and the forces like gravity, electromagnetic radiation, magnetic field/flux and the energies like cosmic energy, photon, ion, and so on have been created/evolved. So there can not be a GOD to conduct Doom’s Day, heaven, hell, and so on. As all the matters have been created from the same type of fire matter with all and the same natural laws, each and every celestial body must almost have the same type of rocks, gases, liquids, dusts, sands, gravity, magnetic field/flux, atmosphere, magnetic spheres, and so on. The slight changes can be due to the effects of the nearby star’s/stars’ heat, electromagnetic radioactive matters, magnetic field of attraction, rotational speeds of the individual spheres/planets, and so on only. The growth/aging of the planets, celestial bodies, etc., also affected by these latter said matters and the size, rotational speeds, etc., of the individual planet/body only. ***The molecules of this fire matter had to lose its own energy or get energy to/ from the adjacent molecules in maintaining its position. So when these molecules lost its energy it became COLD front and the next one gained energy became HOT front. ***Now we have known/learned when two matters of COLD and HOT fronts come nearer and at some position and condition it will create a COUPLE EFFECT. This is happening due to the inherent magnetic flux/poles on every particle and reveals during suitable temperature gradient. This couple effect will create vortex/whirling motion. This vortex/whirling motion will attract the near by matters and thus increase in size by volume, mass and moment. ***To understand these phenomena we may recall how the TORNADO, WHIRLS/VORTEX in DAMS, TYPHOON, etc., are created now itself in earth’s atmosphere. Now also we see some images of vortex/whirling motion of some fire matters in the universe and they are called as nova, supernova, and so on. They are all nothing but the tendering planets only as the sun. *** These phenomena of vortex/whirling motion will go on attracting more and more mass available nearby and attaining greater moment. When there was many such whirling centers/vortices formed in the SPACE/UNIVERSE they all became rotating mass centers. So at one stage these like huge mass centers of fire matters separated from the other or joined together according to the direction/sense of rotation of such spinning mass centers after leaving vacuum places in between such mass centres and became individual Fire Globes. ***The formation of Fire Globes from these rotating mass centres can be understood as fallows. The hallow centre portion of these spinning masses have less pressure than the outer and some time may not have any matter also. It is a hollow/dark portion only. At this portion the radiation sort of heat energy only will be available and now it is called as Black Holes. So these hallow portion will be filled up by the spinning fire matter of the same fire mass centre due to the pressure difference, adhesive and cohesive forces of the fire matter. Further due to the Centripetal Forces it will gain from the spinning motion/velocity of the fire mass, it will attain a perfect globe shape at one stage. If we could observe any black hole in such spinning mass now a days also, it is the indication that the fire mass not yet attained the globe in shape perfectly or cooled to become semi solid state Fire Globe. These points were once Black Holes and at later stage they are used as the entry and exit points of Magnetic Flux, Radiation Heat, Electro Magnetic Radiation, and so on, in the planets, i.e., poles. ***So now there are many gigantic Fire Globes spinning/rotating itself. This is the fact of the planets having obtained self rotation. At this stage there was no planetary motion, i.e., now the planets are not rotating in elliptical/circular path at a distance from any focal point. Because these planetary motion could be achieved in a Fire Globe only when there was variation in the mass centre of the Fire Globe, i.e., when there is some eccentricity developed in the spinning Fire Globe. *** Despite the fact there is no energy needed to continue its position of spinning in the vacuum, the inside of these spinning Fire Globes were subjected to all forces, dynamics, actions, reactions, frictions, adhesions, cohesions, chemical processes, and so on and thus has been consuming till date some energy along with maintaining its rotation/spinning /state. This energy is consumed from itself, used for many chemical actions and reactions also and released as Polar Magnetic Flux. It indicates that there is a process going on every planet. Hence the Fire Globe has been getting cooled. On cooling for crores of years, the Fire Globes’ size went on reducing and at one stage the fire matter become gaseous, liquid and semi solid state matters in the Fire Globes. Now we know Hydrogen and Oxygen gases form water/liquid and ice/solid on further reduced in its temperature. Like this these Fire Globes also attained pasty like/semi solid state at one stage. *** As these Fire Globes are rotating/spinning in a direction/sense and as we know from various principles of right hand rule of the cross product of two vectors, etc., the spinning Fire Globe/Velocity vector will create a Centripetal Force [Gravitational Force] perpendicular and equal to it and towards the centre of the planet. The effects of the Velocity vector and the Centripetal Force vector of these two forces would be perpendicular to the plane of these two forces and now in the nature of Magnetic Flux after doing many processes inside. Through one pole the Magnetic Flux is released and through the other side the magnetic flux is reentering into the planet. The magnetic field thus created around the Fire Sphere is acting as a protective cover also and thus reflecting and absorbing various matters incompatible and compatible respectively. That is why the magnetic field is available at the two poles of the earth and in all planets also. *** The combined actions and effects of angular rotation, compression given by the Centripetal Force/Gravitational Force on the high temperature fire matters, available in three forms of heat, photon, ion, plasma, etc., created Electro Magnetic Radiation, Magnetic Flux, cosmic energy, etc., which caused for many chemical changes and processes inside the Fire Globe on the fire material and thus created many by products. After all these chemical process and changes the Polar Magnetic Flux is emitted at one pole and this flux is utilizing its energy for maintaining/regulating various rotations of the planet and absorbing much such energy emitted from various other bodies in the planets and again it enters through another/opposite pole. All these matters, actions, process, etc., consumed some energy available in the Fire Globe and thus reduced the temperature of the Fire Globe. The outflow of Magnetic Flux, Electro Magnetic Radiation, cosmic energy, etc., is the clear indication of energy outflow and thus the indication for understanding some process is going on inside and thus the planet is getting cooled day by day. These phenomena of many chemical actions, reactions, etc., generated many forms of ingredients for many minerals, materials, gases, vapours, water, and so on. So there were three layers/stratum of Fire Globe such as Gaseous atmosphere, Liquid at the intermediate portion and Semi Solid core. The atmosphere earth is now of the atmospheric layers of Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere. And there is Magnetosphere also due to the magnetic flux generated from the earth and obtained from other bodies of the universe. *** When a semi solid state Fire Globe is spinning, definitely there are possibilities for random outward throw of many mass centers within the Fire Globe. These outward throw of many mass centers are covered and redirected to some other direction due to the spinning rotation/angular rotation of the Fire Globe and due to the Centripetal Force, Adhesion and Cohesion properties of tendering fire matters. So there is resultant and changing mass centers[many instant mass eccentricities] created within the Fire Globe at different places. So these actions and forces of tending to compact and the adhesive and cohesive forces, etc., create the centripetal force though we know there will be a perpendicular force due to the velocity of the spinning mass. This is the phenomena of the creation of Centripetal Force in a spinning body, herein the planets. The Gravitational Force is created mainly due to this Centripetal Force and due to the various forms of creations of Electro Magnetic Radiation, Magnetic Flux, and so on. So this is the phenomena which created Gravitational Force to the planets/earth and it is affected/changed by the orientation of the earth, attractions from sun, moon/satellites, magnetosphere, and so on. *** But for the whole Fire Globe there will be varying many such accumulated mass centres. There will be many instant and mass centres/eccentricities for the whole Fire Globe when it reached liquid and semisolid states. This instant mass center/eccentricity in the spinning Fire Globe pulls the Fire Globe at all linear direction with different orientations also w.r.t. the sense of rotation of the Fire Globe. But there will be instant mass centres for the whole Fire Globe which could lead for linear travel of the Fire Globe. The vertical axis can not have such centre due to the axis of rotation. So the X, Y co-ordinates could have many such instant mass centres at/beyond 4r/3π distance initially. This eccentricity could lead forward travel and side wise tilt. As the Fire Sphere is spinning about its central axis the sideward tilt only can be experienced due to the eccentricity and no travel. Because the inertia created in X axis first could be accelerating the body in one direction as now the bike, cycle, etc., are moving forward without sidewise fall. *** But as now the sun is looking a still tendering planet, the earth would not have formed from the thrown matters of the sun. On random circular/orbital movement of the earth, the sun might have come into the present position/location and the present matters of attraction between the sun and the earth might have happened. So the Fire Globe could get linear travel also along with self rotation/spinning. So it obtained forward travel in an elliptical path[explained in detail below] and the side tilt/precession for the Fire Globe. As the resultant mass centers’/eccentricity’s front are changed due to the spinning action/angular velocity of the Fire Globe another resultant mass centre for the whole Fire Globe was formed at different position/location in the X and Y axis. It generated its own linear direction and the previous one got another linear direction. So there was some resultant linear and rotary motions were obtained for the whole Fire Globe. For understanding these phenomena we may recall the behaviours of BOMERANG also. But during such travel when it approached another Fire Globe having only the spinning motion the mutual attraction between the two caused the sharp turn to the planet traveled in some orbit. The planet having spinning motion is acting as the focal point of an elliptical orbit in which the other planet travels. So this is the phenomena which caused the elliptical rotation to the planets. *** Facts of planets attaining elliptical orbit in the solar family is explained and illustrated as below. It is from the observation done by the Mr.Johannes Kepler it is stated that the earth is travelling at a faster speed when it is close to the sun and when it is far from the earth it is slow. But the area swept out within the ellipse in a same time is same. So this following inference is hold good. The earth is having magnetic flux all its surrounding and is the case for the sun also. As there is no opposite pole only is coming to picture, as the magnetic flux of two poles is all around the sphere upto some place, there is possibility for partial attraction and partial push, i.e., combined pull and push. So the earth could be pulled and driven out only. This type of action could get high speed travel only. And secondly on the spinning and inertia driven earth there will be constant pull and push. The push by the sun would give more linear speed to the earth and the push would create the following actions. For the best illustration we can take a ball, sweet, etc., tied at a rubber string of certain length. If we throw the mass of ball/sweet outward it will stretch the rubber string, reach some distance and return back and hit our folded fingers. So the mass is travelling, reaching zero point, return back and gain more inertia due to the pulling/tension of the rubber string. And as an another example let us take a bar magnet is having a power/capacity to attract a weight of 4kg mass from a distance of 10 centimeter from it. And now we place a mass of 2 kg at a distance of 2 cm from it. The magnet will attract the 2 kg mass. Next let us keep the very same 2 kg mass at a distance of 8 cm from the magnet. Then also the magnet will attract the mass. So definitely there is more energy exerted by the same magnet on the same 2 kg mass when it is placed at 8 cm than at 2cm from it. So when a body is kept at a longer distance the magnetic energy extended by the magnet will be more by always keeping the same force of attraction. The magnetic force of attraction is depending upon the density of the magnetic flux and the area of exposure. So the like case is done when the earth is at a higher distance from the sun. So the travel speed is reduced continuously and the direction is gradually changed by this attraction. It is due to the inertia loss. And when it is pulled towards it, the revolving planet gains more inertia. But the force of attraction is always same. It may be slightly changed due to area of exposure changed, if any. Hence its direction is changed, speed increases gradually and gains more momentum as it approaches near to the sun. As there is constant pull exerted by the sun on the earth, there is constant change of direction and thus it attains the elliptical orbit. This is the phenomena how the earth attained elliptical orbit. This is applicable to all other planets travelling in vacuum but also within the magnetosphere/magnetic attraction of the planet at the focus of the elliptical orbit. *** The attraction and repulsion forces created due to the two opposite magnetic poles of the earth and the sun are also effecting on the tilt of the earth. The lateral eccentricity created tilt about the axis of rotation of the planets also. Further due to the variation in position/orientation and accumulation of mass centers, centrifugal force of mass centers, spinning rotation, compression due to polar magnetic flux, etc., the fire globe became elliptical globe, its vertical axis/polar axis became less than diameter of the Median/equator/horizontal axis. So these phenomena caused spinning motion with a tilt w.r.t. the vertical axis of the Fire Globe, it is called as precession. For the earth it is 23.5 degree precession. This phenomena can be inferred with the working of a Pambaram toy. This precession of earth’s cycle is estimated to be around 26,000[Twenty six thousand] years. It is a major cause for various formations of ice age, heavy rain and flood, earth plates’ movements, land deserts, etc., due to the changes in the various layers of earth’s atmosphere. There are possibilities for the reoccurrence of heavy ice formation, sea level decrease, ice melting, sea level increase, heavy rain, and so on during every 26,000 years cycle. **Now also as we have learned the planets are orbiting around the sun, for that we can not say the SUN is spinning about an axis only and can not be orbiting about a point/axis at some distance. The above said phenomena happened to earth, mars, etc., will happen to the SUN also one day when it is also getting liquid and semi solid state. At that time the present day sun centered solar system will take another path. The sun will also be rotating about its own/central axis and orbiting at an elliptical path. Unless there is a planet at a focus point the orbit of any planet will be circular for the perfect dry planet and elliptical for the tendering planet. We can imagine the path taken by BOOMERANG. The various speeds of rotation between the sun and other planets, state of fire in the sun, etc., shows that the planets in the Solar System/Planets were not created from the Sun. If any planet is claimed to have been created from any other planets their behaviours must be alike the earth and the moon. ***So now we know how a number of Fire Globes were created in the universe in the form of fire cloud, obtained spinning motion and orbiting/planetary motion, and there was vacuum in between the so created all Fire Globes, and became planets, obtained tilt/precession also. And we have known that the planets are consuming its own heat energy to maintain its rotation/state and thus go on cooling. As there was no outside friction by any mass the rotational speed/angular velocity of planets are almost constant. As the planets are created from the same fire maters and subjected to the same natural forces, laws, etc., all the matters available in all the planets must be the same nature. If man is available in the earth there might have been pig in the Mars once. ***This decrease in temperature makes contraction of the Fire Globe further and further. At this time various products are formed due to the Conduction, Convection and Radiation forms of heat and the ionization, photon formation, magnetic flux, electromagnetic radiation, electric current formation, and so on also. So there are various gases, solid materials, various vapours, water, etc., formed and gushing out of the Fire Globe also. There were two regions/stratum formed. One was solid/earth and the other was gas/atmosphere. ***The Centripetal Force, Magnetic field around the earth, etc., of these Fire Globes formed gravitational attraction also to the earth. And the magnetic flux created magnetic poles of north and south. And many atmospheric layers were also formed containing some kinds of same property matters with radiation heat, electro magnetic radiation, gravitational attraction, and so on. ***Due to the going on contraction and various processes happened inside the Fire Globe/Sphere different materials were created. Due to the Radiation element of the heat, electromagnetic radiation, etc., the so formed materials are getting transformed into different properties quickly also. Like this the outer surface of the Fire Globe first became cooled and had water, gases, etc., whereas the centre portion of the earth was containing magma. Now and then on due to the contraction of the Fire Sphere many matters were gushing to outside from the solid layer, cooled on amalgamating with the already available matters outside the solid layer and formed many matters. ***After many crores of years of these processes the magma from the Fire Globe was gushing out of the solid layer, cooled in the outer liquid, gas, etc., and very tall mountains, plates/Deccan, etc., were created. The gushing out matters brought radiation heat, electro magnetic radiation, magnetic flux, and so on also along with it and these matters added to its like matters which already formed different layers of atmosphere. Now we know the water is made up of Oxygen and Hydrogen. These two matters are used as propellants [Hydrogen as Fuel and the Oxygen as Oxidizer] to produce very high hot gases. So it is an understanding that all the matters were formed from the fire matters only. We feel that on rubbing, firing, and so on every material is firing or cooling only, i.e., they show that these phenomena are some form of temperature/heat. ***And in addition to this as far as our earth and the other planets are concerned they receive heat, attraction/reflection, electro magnetic radiation, cosmic energy, and so on from the Sun and other planets also. So it increases the heat of the earth, but its self rotation decreases/consumes its heat. So the earth at one stage/period depending upon the location of its tilted condition and place to the sun formed ice storage and now due to these adding up of the heat from the sun, position of tilt and location w.r.t. the sun and the man made heat the ice storage is melting. ***Due to contraction of the earth gases and lava are gushing out of the earth till date also. **The contraction of earth due to its self rotation makes it smaller and smaller. So the earth material is in the form of land plates are overlapping one on another at different intervals and makes earth quakes, T-Sunami also. The lava coming out is cooled in the atmosphere or water depending upon the place of eruption. ***The raining is a phenomena of condensation of water vapour when it reaches some temperature at particular humidity, pressure and localized cooling by wind currents/ monsoons. It is depending upon the varying volume of various layers of atmosphere and heat addition from other celestial bodies, etc. *** The various lives of earth were created during the periods having suitable temperature, pressure, materials nearby, etc. Now also we grow in the womb of our mothers made up of water/liquid only. So after coming out of the liquid our body system is capable of utilizing the Oxygen in the air also, so we live in lands, but not in water. We know the toad, a form of frog, is/are created in the rock clay sort of material also what we can now see while digging wells at very deep also. *** The self rotation of planets needs energy and decreases the temperature of them. But the sun adds some form of heat to these planets. But the energy needed to keep the planets in rotation is more than the heat added up to them from other planets, sun, etc. ***So at one stage the planets will be consumed of its energy matters and leave non consumable matters by ordinary means. This is seen in the planets like Mars. As the evolution of the planets is from the same fire matter and the phenomena are same, we see similar rocks, sands, gases, etc., in all planets dried also. The higher percentage of CO2 is the indication of the consumption process has come to an end. Unless the CO2 is split into C and O2 and Hydrogen, Nitrogen are added to it, and so on to make an atmosphere of earth no live can live. The sun is not yet cooled to form liquid, solid surfaces. And there are other planets in the form of giant gaseous globes, and so on. As far is the Mars is concerned, for example, unless there is matters to consume and convert it into Magnetic Flux around it there won’t be any control by sun. So its path will be at random, may hit in another planet or submerge in a tendering planet, and so on. It will act as the fire stone in the universe. *** The spinning motion/ self rotation of planets are added with some tilt in its axis of rotation/spinning also as against the changes needed in its mass centres variation to some extent for keeping the elliptical rotation/travel of planets. When the planets’ core is also cooled to an extent that there is no further possibility for varying mass centers/eccentricity and scoped up even by the axial tilt to maintain its elliptical motion, one day any planet will explode and spread in the vacuum/dark places. The pieces of such exploded planets are available in the space between many live planets now also. *** But the precession cycle may form ice, gas, liquid, etc., in Mars’ outer surface. Once a planet is dried, i.e., most of its energy is consumed the remaining gases will be like inert gases only. Because getting available energy from the inert gases will require special processes other than sun light. Those energies which can be converted easily into photon, magnetic flux, etc., will be consumed soon. Now the out put is seen as magnetic flux/rays in the polar regions of the planets. Secondly when there is no flexible mass available in the planet, the orbit will become bigger and bigger because there is no sufficient eccentricity to change the direction of orbit to make it elliptic or even circular. As now there are ice formation in the Mars its life will go on for some more years. So the Mars like planets will attain the circular orbit before it explodes or hit on another body. So there is study needed to understand the behaviour of CO2 in creating Magnetic Flux and when Hydrogen based Atomic Bombs are exploded in the Mars atmosphere. The fate of the Mars can be approximated by the rate of decay of Magnetic flux/Magnetosphere also. *** Due to the lights, rays, radiation, fire gases, cosmic energy, segmentation of fire gaseous/matter planets/sun, and so on emitted by various planets, stars, including sun and the exploded materials and parts of many planets we see many galaxies, comets, asteroids, novas, supernovas, etc., in the dark space of the universe due to the mixture of all these matters. Everywhere the dark energy/radiation energy, a form of heat energy, is available in the universe. Hence now also some vortex/whirling phenomena are going on the universe. But the reverse process or happening of the phenomena of Big Bang/Plank epoch can not be happened again in the universe as it needs empty space without any form of energy. *** We know from these explanations how the supernovas, fire balls, and so on can be generated today also from the sun, other planets now in very high temperature gaseous forms, and so on. Polar magnetic fields have been created due to the current created from various forms of heat energy when transformed into other forms. Now also we see how the lightening and its electrical charge are created from the rain clouds composed of water vapour, heat energy, etc. ***All these presumptions, scientific/natural truths etc., may be proved by right studies, calculations, verification, confirmation, and so on. We rightly first presumed that we could go to the moon. So after various efforts, attempts, calculations, etc., we reached the moon now and also to Mars. INDIA’S MARS MISSION SHOULD BE TO EXPLORE THE FOLLOWING *** Now the ISRO’s Mars Mission and its findings also will reveal all these above said phenomena are correct. In case any material is collected from Mars, it will prove that they are same as those available in earth also. If the Mars is erupted and the inside lava is coming out then there will be water created due to the same phenomena discussed above. ***ISRO may concentrate on to verify whether there is Magma/Lava in the core side of the Mars and do some research further and predict its fate. Once a planet became dry there won’t be much hydrogen, oxygen, helium, etc., which can be classified as energy givers. But we may do research for finding some rare elements, animal fossils in depth, and so on, if any in Mars. *** The research on the axial tilt/precession of Mars, if any, may be compared with that of the earth and climatic changes. ***We know there were many climatic changes caused heavy rain, flood, sea upraise, land submerge into the sea, and so on in earth. This is closely connected with the precession of earth, 23.5 degree about the earth’s axis of rotation. For one complete rotation/travel of the precession of earth takes around 26,000[twenty six thousand years]. In these 26,000 years cycle there are possibilities for reoccurrence of earlier incidents. There are chances for the changes in the various layers of atmosphere, say Exosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere, Magnetosphere, and so on in the earth’s atmosphere during this 26,000 years cycle. So these layers may increase or decrease. The increase in the volume of these layers may cause more water vapour to evaporate from sea and cause the sea level to decrease and the land portion to reappear and the desert lands become fertile and so on. These findings will be useful to educate the world reeling between god and scientific findings confronting with each other at many places and to alert the human community from the impending havoc. *** Like this the dried Mars also can again get changes to have water/liquid and so on due to the changes in the various layers of atmosphere of Mars also with the available gas matters in it. So our ISRO’s research may concentrate also on the effects of earth’s and Mar’s position in different positions of precession axis rotation cycle. *** The behaviour of CO2 in the Magnetic atmosphere and magnetic flux formation, Various forms of radiation, Hydrogen Bomb explosion, and so on to give life to the dried Mars. *** All the matters in the Mars can be assessed from the facts given in this report. So ISRO may search for bringing gold and such other precious materials from the Mars if it is essential and/or economically benefit. Principles and the natural facts relied on for this report are: (i). All the planets and creations in the universe were from the formation of vortex leading to whirling mass in the fire cloud formed due to the Planck Epoch/Higg Boson/God Particle which lead to the formation of spinning spheres. (ii). The velocity vector of the rotating particles in the fire sphere caused centripetal force/compressive force on the sphere and the product of these two created magnetic flux perpendicular to these two forces. (iii). The magnetic flux coming out of the fire sphere/planet is being used to maintain its position. Theses forces and output are consuming the available energy in the planet/fire sphere and made all the matters in the planets. (iv). Hence all the planets and the celestial bodies would have the same matters and its products once. (v). Planets are consuming its own heat energy to maintain its state. The output is coming out as Magnetic Flux in a pole and it is surrounding the peripheral surface of the planets and keeping the magnetosphere and all other spheres of atmosphere also. (vi). The rate of decay of a planet may be calculated from the loss/gain of magnetic flux in the two poles of planets and the power required to keep its present day various types of planetary motions and the possible powers and drags/pulls/distortions, etc., experienced from and to other planets, sun, etc. (vii). Random positions were obtained to the Solar Planets, but not due to the sun. But the motions of these planets are now affected by the sun to the extant the mutual attractions between the sun and the planet are concerned. (viii). The earth is older/faster than the sun to reach its present day state. Earth and any other planet in the solar system were not created due to the sun. (ix). Sun is a tendering body to become a planet like the earth. Thanks and Regards (!) By B.Annathurai
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:33:45 +0000

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