HOW THEN DOES GREEN WORLD PROVIDE WEALTH? Green World has created a pay plan and marketing plan that is unmatchable in the industry. As a businessman, the most critical area to look at in any network marketing company outside her products is ‘The Marketing Plan’ (the work required or what you have to do to earn what), and ‘The Compensation Plan’ (the reward for the work done or what you have to earn for the work done). This is very important. ONE-STAR CONSULTANT(*1). For you to become a distributor you must partner with GREEN WORLD by registering with only N2,100. At this point you’re considered to be a star one(*1) distributor. BENEFITS A) A starter kit…everything about GREEN WORLD, ID Card/No. a barge and a CD. B) You also stand the chance of buying GREEN WORLD products at distributors price and use or sell and make a profit not less than 20% each. Let me quickly say here that GREEN WORLD operates on a CUMMULATIVE principle…whate ver you buy now is added to your business for life. You can afford to buy in piecemeal or make a one time purchase, it does not matter. After registration the following applies for other steps upward: TWO-STAR CONSULTANT(*2). Make a once-off purchase of products for no less than 80BV(Business Volume) or cumulative purchase(i.e in bits or piecemeal) for no less than 80BV. NOTE: 80BV also means $80 and GREEN WORLD exchange benchmark is N140/$. Therefore $80*140= N11,200. BENEFITS: Distributor of this status will receive 5% direct bonus on his/her direct BV. THREE-STAR CONSULTANT(*3). To qualify: Option 1: make a cumulative purchase of the products for no less than 250BV ($250). Option 2: make a once-off purchase of the products for no less than 250BV. Note that the $250 (N35, 000) is not exclusive of the $80(N11,200). Everything you and your team do are added up subsequently. BENEFITS: The distributor of this status will receive 20% direct bonus on his/her direct BV and corresponding indirect bonus in that specific month. For instance, apart from the retail profit you’ll make from the sales of the products purchased, if a customer comes as a distributor through you and made any purchase, you earn 20% bonus for that month. That is, you shared the business opportunity with Mr. A and he joins GREEN WORLD and made a purchase of N35,000 ($250) worth of products, you earn a bonus of N9,240. If three of them joins in a month and made a purchase of N35,000 worth of products each you earn a bonus of N31,500 for that month. This status is fundamental in GREEN WORLD. It’s a promotional status. This status also is the end of the money you can spend in GREEN WORLD. Every distributor is expected to spend a total of N37,500 including registration to get to this level. FOUR-STAR CONSULTANT (*4) To qualify: Option 1: Create three direct networks, containing one Three-Star Consultant in each network, with the cumulative BV(CBV) of the total network at 1,000BV($1,000) or more. That is, get 3 customers to join GREEN WORLD under you who have made a purchase of $250(N35,000) worth of products each including your own $250 (N35,000) to make-up 1,000BV($1,000) total purchase. Option 2: Create 2 direct networks, containing one Three-Star Consultant in each network with the CBV of the total network at 2,000BV or more. Option 3: Create a cumulative Personal BV(PBV) of 1,000BV or more. BENEFITS: The distributor of this status will receive 25% direct bonus on his/her direct BV and corresponding indirect bonus in that specific month. This goes on up to Honorary Chairman. Without worrying you so much, let me give you special Awards that goes with some status: 1. Free International Trip: Outstanding distributors of Six-Star qualified within six months since joining the business have the opportunity to have a Free International Trip. 2. Small Car: a). Distributor of seven-star consultant status qualified within one year since joining the business, creating 3 direct networks containing Six-Star Consultant in each network is qualified. b). Distributor of Seven-Star Consultant status creating 3 direct networks within one year, containing one Six-Star Consultant in each network is qualified to get a second small car and can get a third small car if the standard is met and so on. 3. House Fund: Distributors of Three-Star Manager are qualified to get the fund and has the opportunity to win over a house. 4. Special Commissions: As a Star-One Manager, you’re a shareholder in GREEN WORLD. A consultant of this status earns from the global sales/profits GREEN WORLD generates each month. This means that, whether your team is productive or not you earn some commissions for working hard to get to that status. Every month 5.25% of the global profits is set aside for 3 months and paid to those qualified. Of course, this excludes your normal monthly bonus of 45% due to all Star-One Managers. From what had been paid, no distributor of this status goes home with less than N3m quarterly excluding the 45% monthly bonus. Outside the strong financial, professional and structural standing of GREEN WORLD, the compensation and marketing plans are distributors’ friendly. First is the Cumulative principle (you can buy in bits and is added up subsequently). Second is the start-up capital…very low for all classes of people. Thirdly, it’s the only network that you can earn bonuses from your personal purchases. Fourthly, you need to sell the business opportunity to only 3 customers who will duplicate your effort and you’re on your way to financial independence. Fifthly, unlike all other MLM companies, the percentage in bonuses you earn increases as your status increases. GREEN WORLD considers that the distributors who have worked hard in the company should be compensated optimally. For instance, star-two earns 5% bonus, star- three 20%, star-four 25%, star-five 30%, star- six 35%, star-seven 40% and so on. But in other companies, it decreases. Above all, the products does exactly what it promises to do. GREEN WORLD has excellent and quality products. CONCLUSION You don’t have any reason to complain of financial lack anymore. The only reason why you would remain poor is because of Laziness and Lack of ACTION. Financial freedom lies in you doing the one thing that separates you from the rest of the crowd: taking action to get the things you want. Implementing, not just learning about it or talking about it. My fear is whether this information in your hand would mean anything to you. Don’t be among the crowd that looks while only few sees. Network marketing is the last hope for the common man/woman. It’s just like any other business, but more than any other business…it has the power of leverage and residual earnings…earnings not just from your effort but from the effort of others. It’s like you eating a good meal at MR BIGGS and recommending it to your friends. Then your friends made some purchases and you’re paid. Your friends also referred their friends and they made purchases and you’re still paid…this time not directly from your effort but from the effort of total strangers. What could be more than this? OR Are you afraid of selling? No…you don’t have an option… No one makes money without selling anything… either products or services. Think about it. The only option you have is to sharpen your sales skills or learn how to sell more than others if financial freedom is your desire. And, it’s not difficult to learn. We won’t leave you as an orphan when you join. Truth is that we need you to succeed in order that we succeed also. You therefore have the opportunity of leveraging on my expertise to fast track your success. As you join today, we shall expose to you the strategies and formulas that the big hitters employ in this industry. Okay… Just a tip: You’ll discover that success in network marketing has nothing to do with talking to convince people against their wish, but everything to do with knowing sales and marketing like the back of your hand. Again, the team/upline you joined under is very fundamental to your success. You need an upline that cares, gives you support and is knowledgeable enough to show you the way. Above all, a sincere and honest upline/sponsor. These are the principle we stand for. We also belief very strongly that there is no true success without these virtues. HOW TO JOIN: As soon as you express your readiness to join by writing to muzadziw@gmail, We will reply with the details and where you can find GREEN WORLD Specialty Shops in your area to register. If you’re ready write now to muzadziw@gmai l with subject, “Green World, I am Ready” and get the full details. Once we become partners, you’ll begin to get from us marketing gurus that will give advantage over others. You’ll also enjoy from our mass adverts by helping you to get some downlines/customers/prospects. Remember: “There are only 24 hrs in a day, 7 days in a week, 52 weeks in a year. Time is finite, which means something has to give. It’s not about whether you can read more, exercise more, pray more, it’s whether you’ll decide to invest your time accordingly. You have the time, it’s simply a matter of reallocating it toward what you most want to do and be.”…James Emery White. Hear also what Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “It isn’t sufficient just to want- you’ve got to ask yourself what you’re going to do to get the things you want.” To Your Success, Wilkins Email muzadziw@gmail WhatsApp +263 77 2 4545 38
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 09:17:16 +0000

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