HOW THINGS WOULD HAVE BEEN!!! You know what there is always - TopicsExpress


HOW THINGS WOULD HAVE BEEN!!! You know what there is always that one person in our life we cannot have. A person who is not destined to walk alongside us in the journey of life. And in the journey of love. . . But this damn thing at the center of human being whose end is tilted towards left, it never accepts the reality. It is by far the most stubborn thing on this planet. Heart still sees millions of dreams and wants to say millions of words to that ‘One Person’ and no different is the case with Aditya. Aditya always wonders how things would have been if Aditi was part of his world or I should say he was part of Aditi’s world. He meets her quite often, quite often in his dreams. Millions of unspoken words he wants to express to her. And his desires and dreams . . . Let me narrate you THEIR STORY and what he wants to express to her. In his words of course . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ You know Aditi I always wonder how life would have been if we were together, if ‘Three Magical Words’ of mine had stirred your soul, if you had realized the intensity of my love. I tell you what it would have been beautiful, mesmerizing, heaven. You might doubt it but I am quite sure about it. You know it would have been like . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I wake up in the morning and the first thought that knocks the door of my mind is yours. I text you, “GOOD MORNING ANGEL! HAVE A NICE DAY.” I go to have bath. I come back and immediately check my mobile and your name flashes on it as it flashes on my mind and heart all the time. I read the text which says, “GOOD MORNING DEARO. ENJOY THE DAY .” “I head towards my college and you head towards your coaching. My thoughts head towards you and your thought head towards me. I am sitting in my class and you are sitting in your class but a part of you is in my class and a part of me is in your class.” You come back home. You are tired and exhausted but still you want to hear my voice, still you want to talk to me. You face glows. You know why because I am calling. You pick the phone and we talk. We talk for hours. You tell me that you performed quite well in your class test. You are happy, so am I. We have been enjoying each other’s success ever since our relationship. “You know the best thing about a genuine relationship is that it makes you a better person, a better performer in the outer world. It helps you realise your passion, your ambitions. You want to give your very best in whatever you are doing. You know why? Because you know that your success and smile is the reason of smile for another soul in this world.” We are on each other’s nerves 24X7. You are sitting in your room and thinking about me, thinking about us. Suddenly you smile. “What’s the reason of this smile?”, asks your sister. “He”, you think. “Nothing.”, you say. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I always want to make you feel special. I want to make you the happiest person alive. Your smile is the meaning of my desire. It is difficult to differentiate between heaven and Earth when I think about you or about us to be precise. We chat on text messages and over phone for hours but never get bored. We are so fond of each other. It seems like we can talk till eternity and even then there would be a hell lot of things left to be talked about. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ You are in Delhi for your training. You tell me you are coming home. I have a plan. A rather beautiful plan “I am coming Delhi and then we would be travelling home together. We will spend some great time together.”, I say. “Really?”, you ask. “That would be the best journey of my life.” “You are kidding na?”, you ask. “No, I ain’t. I am coming. That will help us spend some time together. It has been a long time since we spent moments together.” I continue, “But you know what is the prime reason behind my trip to delhi?” “What?”, you ask. “I have heard that girls in Delhi are quite beautiful. So I thought may be I should also visit Delhi.”, I say teasing you. “Why also don’t you take your journey back to home with one of these beautiful girls?”, you say in an angry tone. “Oh! You stole my words. Even I was wondering the same.” “Hmmm. Ok. Anything else?” “Angry?”, I ask in a teasing tone. “No. So will you have time to meet me on that day or not? Or will you spend the entire time with those so-called-beautiful-girls?” “Ohhh! Look at the anger. You know you look awesome when you are angry. Right now I am imagining your face. Who gave you the right to look this beautiful?” “Don,t play your cunning tricks on me. I am not talking to you. Go and talk to the girls of your college or any other girl for that matter and no need to come here to see me.” “I said na I am not coming to see you.” But now I realise that your anger is increasing exponentially. So I continue, “I am kidding angel. I am travelling 400 kms just to meet you. You know I can walk this distance without having a pause if it means meeting you. For me you are the most beautiful girl of the universe. You define beauty. You smile defines the term ‘Divine’. What better place is there in the world to reside than your beautiful eyes? I can live my entire life peeping into your eyes. Your eyes are THE GATEWAY TO HEAVEN. You have changed my life all together. You define my life. You define my existence. Your thoughts are like breath to me. You don’t know how anxious and desperate I am to meet you. I don’t know how the coming few days will pass. But the thing I know for sure is that I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING. I have loved you with all my heart, soul and intensity and I always will.” My words make you spellbound. Your anger is vainished. You are mesmerised by the beauty of love. You are elated. You want to hug me tight at that very moment. “I love you too.” is only what you are able to say. But I can hear millions of unspoken words in that silence. I can feel the loud racing of your heart and your genuine love for me.” After few minutes we hung up the call but we are lost in each other, feeling the joy of love, feeling the joy of life. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I am at railway station. Waiting for that journey to begin. The most awaited journey of my life to be precise. A journey that would take me to heaven. A journey that would take my dreams to reality and most importantly a journey that would take me to you!! Meanwhile in Delhi sleep is denying to embrace you. Clock is ticking at the slowest possible rate contrast to your heart beats. 8 am : When I will arrive and your wait will depart. Doesn’t matter if your eyes are opened or closed, I am in front of you in both the cases. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The train reaches the destination. The wait reaches the destination. The heart reaches the destination. The soul reaches the destination. I am looking here and there. My eyes are searching for you and so is my heart. And finally out of that crowd, you appear, my life appears, my soul appears , every bit of me appears. The moment arrives. I am infront of you and you are infront of me. I am peeping into your eyes and you are peeping into my eyes. My eyes are mosit and so are yours. I want the moment to cease so do you. No one is around me and no one is around you. The feeling is inexplicable . It is like a soul had been wandering here for million years and finally it has come to know the way to salvation. We embrace each other. Feelings embrace each other. Hearts embrace each other. Souls embrace each other. We feel each other’s warmth, each other’s fragrance, each other’s heart beats. Our heart beats are in resonance. Our lives are in resonance. I plant a soft kiss on your forehead. A kiss of genuine love and affection. Your eyes are moist so are your cheeks. The tears on your cheeks feel like dew drops on a beautiful pink rose. I wipe your tears off, hold your hands and we start heading towards the exit. We haven’t said anything yet. Neither you to me nor I to you. Well whats the worth of words in such moments anyway? “How was the journey?”, you ask breaking the silence. “It was good. Fully of excitement and anxiety to say the least. Excitement to meet the one who matters the most.” “Even I was so excited. Was staring at clock all the time waiting for the mesmerising moment to arrive. I realise the actual meaning of life when I am with you. And of love.”, you say. “You have slept quite a lot these days na?”, I enquire. “No. why?” “Because you seem a little fat.”, I say teasing you. “Shut up.”, you say hitting your elbow. A moment of silence, sound of heartbeats and then……… “I love you!” “I love you too!!” _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ We spend the whole day roaming around Delhi, telling each other what is happening in our respective lives. Our talks never finish. We don’t want our talks to ever finish. But the irony is time passes so quickly when you wish to cease it and nothing different happens in our case. The time arrives to board the train back to the hometown. We both sit on the same berth. The upper berth. You are resting your head on my shoulder. I am caressing your hairs, holding your hands. Nostalgia surrounds us. We are remembering how it all started between us. The day I first saw you. The day you first noticed me. The day we had our first eye contact. The day I proposed you. The day you said YES. We talk for the whole night. We don’t sleep. I put my head on your couch and you give me a gentle head massage. We plan for our tomorrow. We plan for our future. The excitement of sharing the life together forever gives us Goosebumps. The journey by train turns out to be the most memorable journey of our life so far. We imagine how beautiful the journey of life would be. . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The train reaches our hometown. We now have to depart. We don’t want to but we have to. Lump in my throat and lump in your throat. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ That’s the end of it. You would be wondering where the story is. Well there never was one. It was all about Aditya’s feelings. It was not a narration of story rather it was narration of emotions, feelings, dreams and last but not the least, narration of disappointment. Aditya still dreams, still cares, still waits, still loves. Dreams for the one who never existed. Cares for the one who never bothered. Waits for the one who would never come. Loves the one who doesn’t even know how to spell it. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Author’s note: You are the master of your life. Your life is definitely what you make it. You will spoil it up quite a few times but the good part of the equation is that you get to decide how you are going to spoil it up. People will come and go. They will use you, betray you, mould you to meet their own benefits. But you have to fight, you have to survive. There will be heart breaks. Many will say I LOVE YOU but most of them won’t mean it. Your heart will be shattered but you can’t give up because if you give up then you will never find that part of your heart that would make it complete. So never stop trying, never stop loving and most importantly never stop trusting. For one sided lovers, I would just say that there is always that one person in our life we cannot have. So there is no point in chasing a dead end. Move on and take a fresh start. God would be having something better in the pocket for you, that’s for sure. So keep smiling. There is much to smile in this beautiful gift of creator called life. Author- Shivam Mishra
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 15:30:00 +0000

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