HOW TO APPLY FOR ADMISSION TO OUR YAHOO! GROUP 1. Click the following link: 2. Click the blue Join This Group button. 3. Send us a short (200 characters max.) reason why youd like to join the group. Well send a short application for you to fill out. This application/questionnaire will ask for more in-depth, detailed information about yourself and your dog. The journey involved with kidney disease is an intensely personal and stressful one at times, and we have a responsibiity to protect our vulnerable membership. The answers to this questionnaire are necessary so that we can screen prospective members and assure that all have a legitimate purpose for joining. The information we ask for is confidential, seen only by moderators, and NEVER shared. It should be noted that we do not provide generic information, and unless your dog has a diagnosis of kidney disease or other urinary tract problem such as UTIs or stones, we will not approve your membership. We cannot responsibly accept members who are just here to learn. What is effective for a dog in a certain set of circumstances may not be safe or effective for another dog. 4. If we determine that we may be able to help you, your request for membership wll be approved. If we do not receive this completed application within 10 days, Yahoo! automatically rejects all pending applications. If something has happened and you havent been able to fill out the questionnaire and you get rejected, simply request to join again. (Dont take this personal, its just the way things work at Yahoo! sometimes.) 5. Upon admission to the group you will be sent several informative messages and a very long, detailed New Member Intro & Questionnaire. In this questionnaire, you will need to provide blood work and urinalysis results (simply ask your vet for copies) and much more detailed information regarding your dog and his medical history. We will ONLY accept this questionnaire as a first post; all messages will be rejected until we receive the completed questionnaire. We strongly encourage you to be sure and read all the new member messages. Many of your questions will be asnwered before you ask them. (You will be able to browse our Files, Links and Database in the meantime.) 6. Once your New Member Intro & Questionnaire is filled out posted to the group address, youre good to go. We can now offer responsible, detailed information, suggestions and discussion regarding the specific needs of your dog, based on our years of experience with this disease.. ****Occasionally, applications never make it through to the Group. If you have made application and havent heard back from us, please send us a quick note to let us know. K9KidneyDiet-owner@yahoogroups
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 12:08:40 +0000

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