HOW TO BE A GOOD GIRLFRIEND IN ORDER TO KEEP & MAITAIN YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR MAN: To keep your man happy, there are certain things you need to know. There are qualities you need to own to have a good relationship. This article teaches on how to be a good girlfriend. 1. A good bond with his family and friends: If you have a good connection with his family and friends, you stand a better chance to sustain the relationship. 2. Be humorous: To sustain a good relationship, you need to be humorous. If you make him laugh often when he is with you, he will always look forward to being with you. 3. Don’t complain all the time: Men don’t like women who complain a lot in a relationship. Complains will drive your man away. 4. Treat your promises seriously: Show your partner that you’re trustworthy. Try to fulfill any promise you make to him. 5. Be solution-oriented: To sustain a good relationship, try to help your partner solve his problems. Proffer solutions to issues. 6. Don’t take him for granted: Try not to ignore your partner. Accord him with due respect. 7. Be more intimate with him: Send him nice messages, give him a quick kiss, watch games with him, etc. If you can, buy him gifts. 8. Communicate with him: Communication is important in any relationship. Steady communication improves the relationship. 9. Have good friends around you: Most guys appreciate good friends around their partners. Your man will think highly of you if you have good friends. 10. Don’t act like you’re superior: Most guys don’t like girls who feel they are better than them. Try not to act like you’re better than your man. 11. Share with him: Try to know what’s happening in his life, take a walk together, go out together, etc. Doing this makes him feel good. 12. Be intelligent: Most guys like to deal with intelligent women. They are always proud of intelligent partners. Try to upgrade yourself to become better. 13. Don’t cheat on him: Cheating destroys a relationship. Your partner will feel good knowing that you’re not cheating on him. Read my article on effects of cheating in a relationship. 14. Take good care of your partner and yourself: Taking good care of yourself brings attention to you. Taking good care of your partner will make him happy with you. 15. Be honest: Try not to lie to your partner. Honesty strengthens the relationship. Be truthful to your partner. 16. Be commited and submissive: humbly yourself before your man and allow him to exercise his manly power as you superior. Dont tussle for power with him. Humility matters a lot as well. # These re just few tipz on how to go about ur r/ship in order to be on a safe side with ur man... Itsnobigdeal....
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 05:15:44 +0000

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