HOW TO BE SAVED AND START A NEW LIFE IN JESUS! Dear reader, it’s by God’s mercy to exist to this time, Satan’s plan for us is to die in sin and doom forever in hell fire. Without genuine salvation, there is no way we can escape the judgment of God, so count it as a great privilege to have this opportunity, and so you need to make the best use of it for your salvation and new life in Jesus. How can you have genuine salvation that will guarantee eternal life with Jesus and grant you the grace to overcome sin, Satan and self? Please follow the following steps: No Excuse, but admit it. If truly you need God’s mercy to pardon your sins and give you grace to overcome them, then you need to face it by yourself and acknowledge your sin. Don’t excuse sin because everybody is doing it - in your church (even your pastors, parents or partners), in your family, in your place of work, etc. Don’t says, “Does that means everybody doing it will go to hell fire?” Yes, everybody can go to hell and God will still be righteous. Jesus said instead of you to be thinking how many will be saved, YOU strife to be saved NOW. Don’t excuse sin because of its popularity, it’s in person - you, face it. And sin is sin, either small or great, there is no difference, you just be sincere and confess it. Psalm 51:3 For I acknowledge my transgressions, And my sin is always before me. 4 Against You, You only, have I sinned, And done this evil in Your sight Make a Genuine Confession Do you wonder why you’ve made several confessions of your sins and yet you still have guilt of those sins, you still go back into such sins, and your salvation is not certain or you find yourself going back into your sins? It’s simple: you didn’t make genuine confession. Genuine confession is not just using the name of Jesus, not answering alter call and so on. Take the next 2 steps that lead you to genuine salvation in Jesus Christ: First Repent before You confess. There are many fake confessions, but if you sincerely want to make acceptable confession, you must first repent. No need for you to confess if there is no repentance in you. Repentance is thoughtful realization of your sins and determination to forsake them. If you confess without readiness to forsake the sins you confess, you are simply wasting your time, and the sins will soon get you down. To repent is not to be sorry for your sins, if you are sorry without readiness to forsake all, you will have a sorry case and that is not a genuine salvation. Humble yourself before God now and surrender all. Proverbs 28:13 He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy. Pray It All Now all you need to do is to go before in prayer as you confess your sins and ask God to forgive you through His Son Jesus Christ. Tell Him you are sorry for how you have lived and all you have done, ask Him to cleanse you by the Blood of Jesus and give you a new heart and a new spirit. He will do it as He has promised in His Word saying, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:8-9. Now is the time for your salvation! Do not delay further, do it now, don’t allow Satan to distract or delay you, because another chance may not come. You can pray the prayer for the next 5 to 10 minutes. Have you prayed the prayer for your salvation? Then let me pray with you: “Lord Jesus, thank You for dying for our sins, thank You for coming to seek us and counting us worthy to be saved. You promised that if we come to You, You will not cast us away; that if we admit and confess our sins, no mater how many and how terrible, You will forgive and cleanse us. So I pray for this beloved, as s/he has repented, confessed and asked for Your forgiveness, save her/him and give her/him a new nature of Yours to live for You from today. Thank You Lord because You have answered, for we prayed in Jesus name. Amen.” Now You Are saved! Now, you are saved, you are born again with a new life by Jesus Christ. You need to start the new life guided by God’s Word. You have to disassociate and detach yourself from old lifestyle; old things that are not according to God’s Word and friendship that can pull you back to old life in sin. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” You can’t continue in your old lifestyle anymore, you are now a genuine, heaven recognized child of God and your life must be guided by His Word. You need to be reading Bible every day and praying about your new life. You should be reading at least 2 chapters of Bible everyday and take time to pray for your spiritual growth and daily strength; you can start from Matthew chapter 1. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding before you read and pray after you finish reading. Pray for God’s grace and Spirit to live daily according to His word and to overcome every temptation on your way, and be watchful every time at every situation in your new life in Jesus! As you have now started a new life in Christ Jesus, heaven is rejoicing over you as your name is written in the Book of Life. Look only unto Jesus, not any man or any pastor. There are many false teachings everywhere because we are in end time, so let the Bible be your supreme guide! We will love to hear from you for more counseling that will help your daily Chrsitian life, and to keep you in our prayer for your new life in Jesus. And if you have any question please contact us: Revelation of Truth Evangelical Ministries Nigeria Email: rtemoutreaches@yahoo Telephone: (+234) (0)705 937 3351, (0)803 924 9751, (0)802 578 7942. You can call at anytime or send SMS. You can also like our facebook page and check Christian articles that will help your Christian life. Just click on the link below and then click “like” on the page facebook/pages/Revelation-of-Truth-Evangelical-Ministries-RTEM/244086502364394 If you want to read other Christian articles and Bible Studies on several other topics which will help your Christian life, you can please click on this link below and see several topics. facebook/groups/468590419840054/files/ You can join to receive new topics
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 09:28:01 +0000

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