HOW TO BEST FREE YOURSELF FROM EVERY DAYS ANXIETIES People live in isolation because of their anxieties. Anxieties are not negative. In fact, anxieties are FEELINGS that we have and cant be released from our thoughts and therefore, they merge as anxieties. To better understand anxieties, one must listen to his/her body and what prompt the reaction of the way of thinking ---- Once you understand what caused the anxieties, then you will be able to deal with it in a calm way. The lack of understanding and education on anxieties cause more anxieties from the fact that the body is out of control. Recovery finally comes through a shift in attitude through knowledge. Once you understand why you feel like you do, you are no longer bewildered and thrown by how you feel. There is no longer a need to worry and investigate your symptoms. This in turn gives you mind and body the break it needs. I can honestly say I could feel all my symptoms again tomorrow and although they would be unpleasant, I would just carry on with my day. I would not investigate or worry about them. There would be no deep thinking, no trying to figure them out, no fighting or acting my way through the day, no going over and over how I felt, questioning everything all day. Basically all the things I once did that kept me in the cycle of anxiety. I basically had a breakdown and that is what it is, your body being over loaded with worry and stress, this is why you feel so tired and spent, why your mind seems to tired and fragile. It has just been pushed beyond its capabilities and is crying out for a break. But what does it get? Well we then feel the symptoms of anxiety/stress we worry even more, Why do I feel like this?, and ‘what is wrong with me’? We may find all our waking moment trying to fight and think our way better, spending days going over and over how we feel, trying to find a way out of this hell, which in turn just brings more stress and worry to the mix, this is basically the simple truth of why so many never find a way out as they are in the classic anxiety cycle. If someone had actually told me this early on it would have saved me so much suffering. I was just shifted from one doctor next, from one student straight out of medical school to the one who just felt the need to dig up my past. I was never given any explanation and this I feel is something that needs to change fast. To finish I would like to tell each and every one of you that you can recover, we are all built the same way and .Our bodies all react to the right messages we send it. I spent so many years doing everything I should not have done; it was only when I did the opposite that massive changes started to take place. Dont be tempted by any claims to cure you overnight, these people are usually just there to take you money fast, I should know, I threw enough money at them. If this instant cure existed then the whole world would know about it and doctor’s surgeries would no longer put it as their number one complaint. Recovery comes through knowledge and patience, these two things will get you to the place you want to be. You body is waiting and waiting to recover, believe me, all you feel are surface symptoms, the true person is just buried underneath them waiting to resurface, once we step out of the way our mind and body will do the rest. Please note at the time of anxieties your chemical imbalance causes the great fogginess and inability to rationalize the situation. Your total chemistry, hormones, neurons are function at a very low plane. The good thing, is that if you calm down, your body will recover to its normal balance. I trust this might help someone who suffers from anxieties. Remember anxieties are feelings undealt with and need to be released.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 19:56:49 +0000

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