HOW TO BREAK OF FROM A STRONG MAN IN YOUR LIFE; Who is this strong man ? A Habit,A nature, A character,A personality Satan had built in you.Which you are,but hate to be like that. Apostle Paul said this in Romans 7:…22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: 23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members..Humanity are in prison of the law of sin.Every person ever bone into this world,have had his share in this scripture. I. The POSSESSION of the strong man armed, When a strong man armed keeps his palace, his goods are in peace.Unless someone greater than him confronts and conquers him. When I look around I sometimes stand amazed at the power that Satan exercises over the human race. The Scripture calls him the prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2); and the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4)—implying that he reigns over man with royal authority, and is to the world as its god. On whatever side I cast my eyes I see evidences of the power of Satan.He had held many captive,leading them to hell. How can I break off? (A)You need to Recognize that something is wrong with you.You must come into your senses.(LK15:17.) When I look into my own heart, and see how strongly Satanic attacks are; when I see the snares and temptations that continually beset me; when I look back upon the path I have trodden, see the path I now tread, and look forward to the path before me, I see how Satan can take advantage of all the infirmities and corruptions of my fallen heart, and be indeed a strong man in all his ways and movements, and never so strong as when he least discovers his power. Let us take a walk round the devils armoury:Meaning his strong holds in your life. 1. Ignorance is a main piece of his armour. For what are we by nature but altogether ignorant of God, ignorant of ourselves, ignorant of truth, ignorant of salvation, ignorant of everything which it is for our peace to know? This ignorance Satan deepens, as the word of God describes, by blinding the eyes and hardening the heart(2Cor 4:4) 2. Unbelief is another piece of Satans armour; and by this he keeps strong possession of the palace. Unbelief is the very essence of our fallen nature; unbelief doubts every part and portion of Gods word; unbelief presents an impenetrable barrier against the entrance of truth; unbelief is the shield which, if grace does not prevent it, will quench every arrow of conviction.You will know the truth..........(John 8:32) Unbelief keeps us away from change. 3. Self-esteem and self-complacency, is another piece of this armour. Man has such lofty thoughts of himself, indulges in such vanity and self-exaltation, is so unwilling to see himself as God has described him, that he will stoutly deny Gods testimony against his state and condition as a fallen creature. 4.Enmity against God and godliness, that breath of the carnal mind, that essence of mans fallen nature, that noisome savour which steams perpetually from his corrupt heart against divine things—enmity to God and his ways, enmity to Christ and his person, enmity The Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth in all its branches, enmity to that which humbles us, breaks us down, and lays low the soul of man at the feet of the Cross for eternal change to his soul. 5.Pride—the very essence of Satan, the very element in which he lives, that which caused his downfall, and has become his ruling passion—by this piece of armour does Satan also keep possession of the throne of the human heart. It is he who continually instils vain notions of mans importance, who swells and puffs him up with arrogant opinions of his strength, wisdom, and self righteousness. By acting upon this pride that dwells in mans bosom, he teaches him to abhor that humbling gospel which the word of God sets for mans salvation. 6.. Impenitence is another piece of Satanic armour. The thorough inability of man to feel any sorrow for sin; the conviction of his mind, which neither the promises of the gospel can soften, nor threatening terrify; the hardness of heart whereby he stands firm against everything in Gods word which has a tendency to melt and overcome, is indeed one of the strongest and stoutest pieces of his deceptive armours. By this tactics does Satan rule and reign—by this he turns aside every agent of change from God and by these he opposes to every threatening directed against the ungodliness (B)What is left for you and me is to Confront the enemy.In 2 Chronicles 7:14 14 and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Here one have to live direct opposite to the armours of Satan. 1.Humble yourselves.To acknowledge that you were made to function and fulfilled purpose with The father,The Son and the Holy Spirit. 2.Prayer: Prayer is having a daily communion with God.By reading His word,Worshipping and meditating upon His promises. 3.Seeking the face of God.Meaning desiring only His will and His approval in your Conduct,Choices and all manner of Life. 4. Turned from your wicked ways,which are leading you away from Him.Desire what He desires and hate what He hates. (C) Finally you need to Conquer by abiding in the Love of God for His Change to be fulfilled. John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. This is where character and the nature of Christ will be fully formed.By daily waiting on God for a word you will live on.Pro.3:5-6.Trust in the Lord,He is faithful,He will do all that He had promised.Never think that you can make it without Him. Please repent of all your sins,ask Jesus and the Holy Spirit into your life,find a bible based church and develop a character for heave. Please listen to this video for deliverance prayer and more instructions
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 07:46:19 +0000

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