HOW TO BURN OFF SAFELY Escapes from badly managed burn-offs is - TopicsExpress


HOW TO BURN OFF SAFELY Escapes from badly managed burn-offs is the greatest single cause of bushfires. Standard of a good burn-off: THE AIM is for a gentle fire that creeps about. REMOVES litter and low shrubs but does not scorch leaves of trees. SCORCH height is 3–5 times flame height. Conditions for a good burn-off: IN GRASSLAND - when grass is cured. IN BUSHLAND - when ground litter is dry enough to burn properly. A good day to burn off: TIME after 10 a.m. Early morning stillness often changes. TEMPERATURE 20C or less. The hotter the air, the drier the vegetation, the faster it ignites and flames move. WIND 20 kph or less. When winds are none or light, and change is not expected. At 10 kph leaves rustle; 20 kph small twigs move. RELATIVE HUMIDITY 40-60%. SOIL DRYNESS INDEX 25-50. If ground litter is too wet, it won’t burn thoroughly. When hot weather dries it out completely, any bushfire that starts in it then will flare up. Preparation: CHECK permit requirements with local authority. PBTAIN weather forecast and fire danger rating. NOTIFY and discuss with neighbours. MAKE signs to put out for travellers. For a safe burn in bushland a line of closely spaced spots of fire are lit cross a slope or on the flat. Burning off in grass is done in strips, with the first being completely out before the second is started. Prepare a burning plan: PLAN boundaries SLASH and clear away grass from beneath trees. CLEAR or otherwise make firebreaks 2m between burn area and fences or buildings. PREPARE a lighting plan UNDERSTAND what to do if burn escapes. You will need WATER plenty and readily accessible. SPRAYERS - 18–30 litre knapsacks. HOSES, rakes, rakehoes, beaters. PROTECTIVE clothing and smoke masks. HELPERS - Enough people & equipment to keep the burn within firebreaks. PATROL and mop up until out cold, and again the morning after. Burning off is tricky. Escapes from badly managed burn-offs is the greatest single cause of bushfires. A great number of factors must be taken into account. For more details see The Complete Bushfire Safety Book or Essential Bushfire Safety Tips (PREVIEW AT &
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 08:03:39 +0000

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