HOW TO CONDUCT A LIFESTYLE CHECK ON DINKY,S, ET AL. The strategy would be our own data gathering on anything unusual or suspicious for sharing and posting in each other’s fb groups or on walls of fb friends. and what I mean by personal is any information we can come up with in two categories: data we can access or dig up in line with our jobs and what we can actually see and notice for ourselves. Among the information we can look for in our own lifestyle check are: For immigration or airport personnel, the number of times the target personality or members of his or her family and relatives go abroad or on domestic trips yearly or semi-annually, compared to when the target personality was not yet a government official. For real estate developers or Land Registration Authority people, the number of properties and frequency of purchase being made by the target or his or her family members, relatives and known cronies as against when he or she was just an ordinary individual. For motor vehicle dealers and workers and land transportation office personnel, the number of vehicles owned or registered in the name of the target, family members, relatives and known cronies compared to when the target wasn’t in government yet. For bank personnel, deposits and other financial records of the target and the people known to be very close to him or her. For malacanang, senate or house of representatives staffers: data and if possible copies of records of statements of assets and liabilities and declared sources of income as against their possessions now. For those in the ombudsman, details on graft and corruption cases being faced by the target. Now, on what we can actually see: For neighbors: the actual number of vehicles used by the target or are in the garage, the model and the estimated cost, as well as the kind, size and luxury of the house, all as against his or her declared sources of income as against his or her financial status before entering government. You can also take note of the people who go in and out of the home, especially the notorious or controversial ones and their known dummies or cronies, if any. Try to have a close look too at the pieces of jewelry or personall accessries for men that the target will wear, especially the number, kind and value, compared to hs or her known salary and other incomes. Now, whatever info we come up with, we post and share with each other. We will just point out or reveal what we have discovered. we will not accuse anybody of anything categorically. That’s why I’m saying no one needs t worry about online libel. What we’ll do is just an INITIAL and collective effort to inform our people of something they should know since our taxes maybe involved one way or another. Consider this, guys and I’ll be glad to llsten to your suggestions or comments.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:33:14 +0000

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