HOW TO DEAL WITH THE DEVIL AND ITS SCHEMES. Let’s interpret - TopicsExpress


HOW TO DEAL WITH THE DEVIL AND ITS SCHEMES. Let’s interpret the bible clearly from various portions of scriptures: My Lord Jesus Christ says in Luke 10:19 - Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Note the phrase “…to tread on….”, Jesus did not say that fight with the devil, but rather just trample on him for you are far greater than him. In Mark 16:17 again Jesus says: - And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils............) Observe the phrase; “……..shall they cast out devils….” Jesus did not say they shall pray a prayer of prayer worriers or fast a lot or fight with the devil BUT instead they shall command him to come out because they are a superior authority compared to Satan. Apostle James inspired by the Holy Spirit tells us in James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Take note of the phrase “…... resist the devil….” Still God tells us to just stand against the devil and he will run away looking for escape. Now if God the creator of the crooked serpent (devil) tells you not to fight him but rather to resist him, He(GOD) shows unto you how mighty He has made you far greater than that old serpent called the devil. SO RESIST THE ELEMENTS OF SATAN BY YOUR CONFESSIONS TODAY. I refuse to be poor in the name of Jesus Christ, I refuse to be sick in the name of Jesus Christ, I refuse to lack in name of Jesus Christ, I refuse to be sad in name of Jesus Christ, I refuse to fear in name of Jesus Christ, I refuse to be barren in name of Jesus Christ, I refuse to be disappointed in name of Jesus Christ, I refuse to die like a mere man in the name of Jesus Christ, I, GSK, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I refuse all negative spirits, all negative willingness. I refuse all negative thoughts that are trying to keep me far from Jesus Christ, I refuse all faiths doubts in Mighty Name of Jesus Christ Amen. In Mighty Name of our DIvine Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ may I all my family, all my most beloved friends, to receive all this Mighty Powerful Prayer In Jesus Name, Amen. Now, You (mentioned your names) refuses to…………………………… name of Jesus, even by your faith MAY GOD BLESS YOU AS YOU POSSESS YOUR CONFESSIONS. 
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 07:14:00 +0000

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