HOW TO HAVE AN INNER PEACE IN THIS CRAZY WILD WICKED WORLD. Look around you and see many people dying because of high blood pressure, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, stress and suicide. Many are deeply worried that they don’t have cars, blackberry phones, ipads or a big mansion. Others are troubled because they not wealthy, employed, or landlords. Some are weeping because they are not married, married but barren or not happily married. But why are you killing yourself slowly with worries and anxiety? Be grateful to God that you are ALIVE. Stop grumbling about what you dont have. Be grateful for all that you have, for all that the Almighty has blessed you with. Look around you. There are millions of people who are less fortunate than you. Gratefulness has a special connection with peace within. Accept yourself the way you are. You are what you are, for a reason. Dont complain. Be comfortable with yourself, your body, your mind, your soul. It will help in lessening your internal conflicts. SAY OUT THESE PRAYERS FOR INNER PEACE AND JOY Lord, help me to live in Your joy and peace. Give me strength and understanding to resist anxiety, anger, envy, depression, bitterness, hopelessness, loneliness, fear and guilt. Rescue me when “my spirit is overwhelmed within me; my heart within me is distressed”. I refuse to let my life be brought down by negative emotions such as these. When I am tempted to give in to them, show me Your Truth. You have said in Your Word that by our patience we can possess our souls. Give me patience so I can do that. Help me to keep my ‘heart with all diligence,” for I know that “out of it spring the issues of life. Because Jesus is the Prince of peace, may I receive from Him the peace that pass human understanding and joy flowing like a river. It is well with my soul, AMEN
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 08:51:18 +0000

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