~HOW TO HOLD ON TO YOUR DELIVERANCE:~ After The Fight: Watch and - TopicsExpress


~HOW TO HOLD ON TO YOUR DELIVERANCE:~ After The Fight: Watch and Pray According to Eph.6:10-18 the Believers spiritual armour is set forth, and we are commanded to put on the whole or COMPLETE armour of God. There are six pieces of armour: 1.Loins girt about with TRUTH, 2. The breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS, 3. Feet shod with the preparation of THE GOSPEL of PEACE, 4. The shield of FAITH, 5. The helmet of SALVATION, 6. The sword of The Spirit which is THE WORD of GOD. Even though PRAYER is not classed as part of the armour, it is an ADDITIONAL and VERY IMPORTANT part of the fight against spiritual powers of evil (Jas.4:7; 1Pet.5:8-9). We are to speak forth EVERY KIND of prayer: PUBLIC, PRIVATE, CHURCH, and FAMILY PRAYER. According to Eph.6:18 Praying always with ALL PRAYER and SUPPLICATION IN or IN UNION WITH THE SPIRIT (As The Holy Spirit LEAD you to PRAY). Remember: (PRAYER is toward God and WARFARE is toward the devil and his agents). Verse 18. continues: and WATCHING, (without this, prayer and Christian armour will be ineffectual). According to Mk.13:33-37, Take you heed, WATCH and pray: v.35.WATCH you therefore; and in v.37. And what I say unto you I say unto ALL, WATCH! Lets take a look at Lk.21:36. WATCH you therefore, and pray always, so that you may be accounted WORTHY to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to STAND before The Son of Man. And lastly look at Heb.13:17. Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they WATCH for your souls, as they MUST give account, so that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: because that is unprofitable for you. Lets continue with Eph.6:18. WATCHING thereunto with ALL PERSEVERANCE (meaning to adhere firmly to; as in Acts 1:14. From the Greek word, proskartereo, to be close in pursuit of; always intent upon your object in prayer, as in Rom. 12:12. Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; CONTINUING INSTANT IN PRAYER. Also we pay special attention to the helmet of salvation for the guarding of your thought life. Most demons seek to re-enter through attacking your mind or your thought life. Become WATCHFUL of any thoughts that could be considered negative; they are from the enemy. Separate their thoughts from your own. Refuse the thoughts they give you and replace them with positive spiritual thoughts as in (Phil.4:8) Finally, whatsoever things are TRUE, HONEST, JUST, PURE, LOVELY and of GOOD REPORT; if there be any VIRTUE or PRAISE, THINK LIKE THIS. RESIST the devil at the FIRST SIGN of his ATTACK. TO BE CONTINUED:
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 03:33:17 +0000

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