HOW TO IDENTIFY CIA AND DoD CHATTERBOXES, KNOWN AS BOTS, FROM REAL PEOPLE. CIA and DoD operate off scripts many of which are personally programmed to the individual target. People refer to these people as Perps, but many are nothing more than automated Chatterboxes, known as BOTS. The first was actually code named ALICE. THEY ARE EASILY IDENTIFIABLE BECAUSE THEY ARE PROGRAMMED TO KEEP THE TARGET TALKING INDEFINITELY. Watch out for Instigatory Phrases like ´HOLY SH!T or OH MY GOD, etc., as these are designed to capture the readers attention. Other tactics are designed to provoke the target so the BOTS will start off with a question, such as I NEED TO TALK TO YOU or CAN I ASK YOU A QUESTION. CIA and DoD operatives also use BOTS to frontload the reader in order to grab your attention, with such remarks like I WOULD BE HONORED TO BE YOUR FRIEND, etc. They will use such tactics on you constantly. Automated Chatterboxes, called BOTS, are also easily identifiable by injecting emotion into the conversation and because their vocabulary is always perfect and somewhat limited. Everything they do is based off scripts or programs to PROVOKE the target into an action or access sequence PAY ATTENTION TO ANY AND ALL STATEMENTS WHICH ARE INSTAGATIVE IN NATURE AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PROTECT YOURSELF. This is because the BOTS are being used simultaneously with directed energy mind control tactics known as IMPULSE INJECTIONS. These tactics were leaked by a former CIA scientist turned whistleblower, Dr. Robert Duncan https://youtube/watch?v=SIRU9AyQhKU
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 18:46:22 +0000

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