HOW TO IDENTIFY PEOPLE WHO TAKE YOU FOR GRANTED: (This is of special help to young or upcoming professionals) 1. They would not seek appointment and may either just walk in or directly dial your number. 2. Their encroaching upon your time will happen in the busiest of hours or days. Monday morning is their favourite time to connect. Their phones will remain unanswered on a Sunday or Holidays when you can afford to have sometime to oblige them. 3. Asking for favour comes easy to them. There is no question of their enquiring about your professional fee or charges. They treat you like oxygen in the air. 4. If you go out of the way to help them irrespective of their shortcomings, they shall have some other call and they would disconnect to take the call-in-waiting. They may forget to reconnect to you. 5. If you want to push them towards fixing up an appointment over phone or for the meeting, it is foolish on your part to expect them to call on, at the decided time. 6. Coming 15-20 minutes late is usual for them and with the most shameless smile. 7. In case they happen to be your employer, there would be scant regard for your difficulties and the sacrifices you made for the organization. 8. If you accept compensation lesser than what you actually deserve, you shall see the next time there would be no recompense. 9. You can not only see a total absence of ‘giving’ attitude but also thanklessness and lack of gratitude. 10. If remotely an action of theirs may help your cause or promote your interest, they shall tie themselves tight and become invisible. NEVER EVER FEEL THAT YOU ARE BEING CRUDE WHEN YOU MENTION YOUR EXPECTATIONS AND WORTH. YOU ARE ONLY MATCHING THEIR TALENT. IF THEY DISAPPEAR, YOU WOULD HAVE SAVED AT LEAST YOUR TIME.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 16:22:51 +0000

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