HOW TO IDENTIFY a your spouse 1. Inner Peace: when you meet your - TopicsExpress


HOW TO IDENTIFY a your spouse 1. Inner Peace: when you meet your spouse, one of the ways to recognize he or her is peace in your inner spirit. The person may not completely physically look like what you had originally imagined as spouse, yet you will have unusual peace. Inner peace is one of the ways God speaks to you concerning issues relating to you. Most cases, when you ask successful couples, what convince them of their spouse, most of them usually respond ‘’I had peace within when I was taking the decision to marry him or her.” I was counseling a lady that was going through a divorce process and she said to me, I almost knew I was marrying the wrong person but I refused to listen to my heart. Anytime you are in a relationship and there is always a check in your spirit as though something is wrong somewhere, watch it, it may be an indication that you heading the wrong direction. Before making a lifetime decision, always pay attention to what your inner spirit is saying to you, because that is who God relates with. Inner peace is one of the ways to identify your right spouse. 2. Agreement:- agreement is another way to identify a relationship that will work. When you meet your spouse, your opinions on most issues are usually in sync. Eccl says “two cannot walk together expect they agree” disagreement is one of the most cause of divorce. The bible says “there is no house or city divided against itself that can stand”. When you are in a relationship with somebody and you always have misunderstanding or disagreement, you may just be heading the wrong direction. 3. Passion:-. Your God ordained spouse is always passionate about you, and verse versa. The way a partner handle things that has to do with you should send you signal of the kind of life you will have with him or her in marriage. 4. Same believe:- never take for granted your believes or religion when thinking of a productive relationship. When you meet a man or woman that does not love the things of God and you do, believe me, he/she is not the one. The bible says “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbeliever” when God instructed Noah to preserve the animals, He says to Him “Of every clean breast take by seven a male and his female and of the unclean a male and his female.” Note He did not say take one clean and one unclean. As a lover of God, your spouse must also be a God lover. No man or woman that has no regard for him or her Maker that can have regard for you. 5. Love and Honor. When you meet your spouse, love and honor flows naturally from both parties. If you find yourself in a relationship were you are not loved and honored, know he/she is not the one. See (Gen.2:23-25) “And Adam said this is now the bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called woman because she was taken from man. And a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh ” In this scripture God did not tell Adam what to say to the woman, but on his own he started calling her wonderful names. Saying to her you are like me, you are my bone and my flesh. Remember Adam was the first man on earth yet he said ‘’shall a man leave his father and mother’’. The moment he saw his woman, he thought of the greatness of the closeness, He must have said to himself even if I had earthly parent I would still have left them and cleaved to this woman. Also when Isaac saw Rebecca he loved her. No person hates or dishonors his own self, any person that does not honor, love and respect you, does not deserve you. 6. Excitement: your date or partner should never bore you:- a relationship that will work start with excitement. You never get tired of each other presence, you always want more of the person. You always look forward to be with each other not because you want to take advantage of his/her body. But you are excited in your spirit as though you have found a long missing pearl. When you are in relationship with a person’ presence that bore you, you should have a re-think Also be sure your excitement about your relationship is not because you want to explore each other’s body, that is infatuation and it will not stand the test of time, the excitement will soon be over. 7. Common interest. More often than not, one of the ways to identify your spouse is passion over the same things. You will find out you love the same kind of things. I take example from my home, my husband is passionate about God and God brought me to complement him. Before saying I do to that man or woman, make sure the person complements your vision and assignment on earth, if not, you may live and die in frustration.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 18:11:13 +0000

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