HOW TO KEEP UA MAN/BOYFRIEND: 1. Talk About Your - TopicsExpress


HOW TO KEEP UA MAN/BOYFRIEND: 1. Talk About Your Feelings: The best way to show your boyfriend that you care is, tell them. Be honest and frank. Hold his hand and look into his eyes. Tell him how much you love him and what he means to you. 2. Listen To Him: Instead of doing all the talking every time, listen to what he has to say. Whenever your boyfriend needs someone to talk to, make sure you are there for him. The long lasting relationships are those where the partners are not just lovers of each other but also each other’s best friends. 3. Get Him Gifts Without A Reason: Surprise him with gifts at times, for no special occasion. Keep reminding him of how special he is to you and what he means in your life. 4. Plan A Date: Whoever said that only a guy should plan a date? Plan it yourself. Choose a romantic idea like a walk along a moon lit beach, a ballroom dance, a drive to a nearby hill, a candlelight dinner, star gazing together and so on. 5. Bake A Cake: As it is said, ‘The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’. Surprise him by baking a heart shaped cake of his favorite flavor. Personalize it by getting a small love note written on the cake with the icing. 6. Dedicate A Song: Dedicate him a romantic song on his favorite radio station. Don’t forget to ask the radio jockey to convey a small message to him before the song plays. This gesture would ensure a big smile on his face. 7. Pamper Him: Even if he does not admit it, every guy likes to be pampered. Pamper him when he is feeling low. You could cook his favorite dish or get him something he really likes. Look after him when he is sick. Though he may not always tell you, but he really needs you in his life. 8. Respect Him And His Loved Ones: Show respect not only to your boyfriend but to the other people who are important to him like his family or friends. Speak to them and about them with respect. 9. Take Interest In Subjects That Interest Him: This includes video games, football matches or the people who are close to him. Encourage his hobbies even if you are not very fond of them. He should feel that you are always there for him. 10. Love Notes: Leave him love notes or messages at random places at his apartment or in his wallet to surprise him. Imagine his delight when he finds one of your notes on a rough day. Actions always speak louder than words. Instead of repeatedly telling your boyfriend how much you love him, small gestures from your side will draw him more closer to you.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 14:03:44 +0000

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