HOW TO KICK THE SUGAR HABIT: TIPS FROM PATRICK HOLFORD: If you’ve been reading recent headlines you’ll have noticed that it’s sugar, not fat that is the bad guy as far as health and weight goes. So how do you kick the sugar habit? Sugar is addictive and if you’ve tried to eat less, but failed, and keep finding your hand gravitating towards sweets, you are probably hooked. Secret 1 Follow my low GL diet strictly which is explained in full on my site. This really helps to even out your blood sugar, which means no dips, and less craving. Secret 2 Supplement chromium with cinnamon. Chromium makes the insulin-receptor work better. Find out more here. Cinnamon also helps stabilise blood sugar, which reduces craving. Secret 3 Supplement amino acids. You won’t need to do this for long, for most people 2 to 4 weeks suffices. The two key amino acids are tryptophan (or 5-HTP) and tyrosine. Secret 4 Find alternatives and wean yourself off the level of sweetness of a food. So if you are used to 1 teaspoon of sugar in your tea, have a half teaspoon. If you drink juice neat, try with half water instead. Try switching to sugars that taste sweet, but don’t affect blood sugar that much such as xylitol, agave syrup and stevia. If you are used to eating sweets find something with less sugar. Look for bars that don’t use dates, raisins or sugar in their top three ingredients. Raspberry nut bars are quite good for GL. I sometimes munch dark chocolate with some peanuts. Even better would be to snack on berries, cherries or plums or have a slice of low GL bread or toast, with a nut butter and a tiny spread of sugar-free jam. Secret 5 Drink water and have a low GL snack. Whenever you find yourself dreaming of something sweet first have a glass of water, then have a protein/carb snack as I specify in all my low GL books. Secret 6 When you crave something sweet what are you really craving or missing? You may find you need to sleep, or are upset about something, or even need a cuddle. If you are upset about something how can you attain peace? An option is to go for a walk outside then have a real meal first. You may find your craving subsides. These are my favourite six steps to lessen cravings. Practice them for a month and you may find you are out of the grips of the evil white powder!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 10:23:51 +0000

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