HOW TO MAKE SOMEONE FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU 1. FIND SOMEONE THAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU. This is one of the most important steps before trying to make someone fall in love with you. This person needs to be ready for a more serious relationship & they need to be compatible with you. If he/she isn’t, somebody is going to end up with a broken heart. 2. GET TO KNOW THE PERSON. This means getting to know the real him/her, who he/she really is underneath the basic details of his/her life. This takes time & you need to pay attention and take a real interest, since information like this is often not offered but rather learned through inference & experience. 3. HAVE A PURE MOTIVE. Think about why you want to take this relationship more seriously. If you only want that person to love you in order to feel better about losing another relationship or to make someone jealous, then getting that person to fall in love with you is a bad idea. 4. BE A GOOD FRIEND. You should always be there for him/her & be unselfish in your actions. Put their needs above your own, as a general rule. Be a good person because you want them to be happy, not because you want something from them. 5. CONSIDER YOUR GOALS. Determine your long-term goals for the relationship. If you cant see it lasting, there isnt much sense in trying to make someone fall in love with you. This is emotionally cruel to both yourself and the other person. There is nothing wrong with casual dating; if you want to date. You don’t need to be in love to keep dating. 6. SHARE HIS/HER PASSION. Learn to enjoy or appreciate the things that make them happy. Don’t fake it. 7. LET HIM/SHE SEE ALL OF YOU. Realize that they will see and should see your worse sides as well. You can’t really be perfect at all, much less all of the time. No one can. Personal faults can even be a good thing. 8. MAKE THE PERSON FEEL LIKE A HERO. Ask the person for help or advice on subjects that are particularly important to him/her, clothing advice etc. 9. CREATE TRUST. Don’t constantly second-guess them or question their motives. Trust them and show them that you trust them. If he/she tells you a secret, keep it. If you find out something that embarrasses them, show that you do the same or similar things & that there’s nothing to be ashamed about around you. 10. SUPPORT THE PERSON DURING DIFFICULT TIMES. Be supportive & genuinely caring, this will go a long way towards getting someone to fall in love with you. 11. MAKE HIM/HER HIS/HER BEST SELF. People want to be with someone who makes them a better person by encouraging them to do the things they love and giving them the space to do those things. 12. SHOW HIM/HER HOW MUCH YOU CARE. There are lots of ways to show someone you care. The best way to get ideas for ways to show them you care is to pay attention to the things they say (and the things they dont!). 13. ASK HIM/HER OUT! Have a concrete activity that is entertaining for both of you & be honest about why you want them to come. 14. RESPECT HIM/HER. Never judge. Never put him/her down or make him/her feel bad about who he/she is or what he/she likes. Give them a chance to speak and have an opinion, & when they talk, listen to them. Respecting the person also means never giving him/her a reason to think that youre unfaithful or that you dont really love them. 15. REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE TWO SEPARATE PEOPLE. Respect that they are their own person; don’t try to change them and certainly don’t invade their privacy. They are allowed to have secrets and things that are just theirs. 16. LET THE PERSON MAKE CHOICES ABOUT THEIR TIME & PERSONAL SPACE. Do let them have time to themselves to do the things that they want to do. 17. DON’T EVER TAKE HIM/HER FOR GRANTED. Show the person that you appreciate him/her every day (by saying things like thank you) and take notice of all of the things he/she do for you. 18. DON’T STICK IN THE ROOT. Don’t just do the same things you always do. 19. TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR BODY. Exercise, eat right, practice proper hygiene & wear clean clothing that isn’t stained or full of holes. 20. BE EMOTIONALLY AVAILABLE. You need to be devoted to their happiness & your own, in unison. If you are too hung up on a past relationship & not ready for commitment, dont try to get someone to fall in love with you. 21. BELIEVE THAT THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE. You shouldnt feel like its the end of the world or that theres no one else for you. There are an awful lot of people on this planet, after all. If someone doesnt return your feelings you should understand that it wasnt meant to be and that you wouldnt have been all that happy together. Youll find someone else before you know it and wonder why you ever felt upset in the first place.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 17:57:18 +0000

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